Psychospiritual and Religious Reading List
Under development by the Hermetic Fellowship |
(HF) |
United Communities of Spirit
"It seems to me that the world's religions are like siblings separated at birth. We've grown up in different neighborhoods, different households, with different songs and stories, traditions and customs. But now we've been reunited, and, having found each other after so many years apart, we look into each other's faces and can see the family resemblance. We're back together again, and it's very good."
Richard Watts |
(UCS) |
03/01 |
ORIGIN: The Meeting Place of Religions
The host for United Communities of Spirit. The Origin site is currently being rebuilt and is labelled coming soon. |
(Origin) |
03/01 |
The Internet Sacred Text Archive
The Internet Sacred Text Archive is a freely available non-profit archive of electronic texts about religion, mythology, legends and folklore, and occult and esoteric topics.
This site promotes religious tolerance and scholarship. Sacred-texts does not favor any particular religion or spiritual beliefs. |
(J.B. Hare) |
03/01 |
Religious and Sacred Texts
Can the statement p = ~p ever be true? Can two religious systems whose teacings are in direct conflict both be correct? The truth is out there. These religious texts are presented for your exploration, in the hope that you will find it. |
(D. Wiley) |
03/01 |
A Sourcebook for Earths Community of Religions
In this new ecological age of developing global community and interfaith dialogue, the world religions face what is perhaps the greatest challenge that they have ever encountered. Each is inspired by a unique vision of the divine and has a distinct cultural identity. At the same time, each perceives the divine as the source of unity and peace. The challenge is to preserve their religious and cultural uniqueness without letting it operate as a cause of narrow and divisive sectarianism that contradicts the vision of divine unity and peace. It is a question whether the healing light of religious vision will overcome the social and ideological issues that underlie much of the conflict between religions. Edited by Joel Beversluis. |
(UCS) |
03/01 |
The source for spirituality, religion, and morality. |
(beliefnet.com) |
03/01 |
The Seekers Guide to Spiritual Movements
THIS SITE IS CURRENTLY DOWN and Under Construction.
Please check back in late April 2001. Thank You. |
(Seekers Guide) |
03/01 |
The United Religions Initiative
The purpose of the United Religions Initiative is to promote enduring, daily interfaith cooperation, to end religiously motivated violence and to create cultures of peace, justice and healing for the Earth and all living beings. |
(URI) |
03/01 |
Religion in Oregon
Not surprisingly, Oregon's religious environment most closely resembles Washington's. Oregon and Washington are notable for being the U.S. states with the highest proportion of religiously-unaffiliated and self-identified "nonreligious" residents. Only 1.2% of Oregonians describe themselves as agnostics (and a statistically negligable number are atheists). But about 17% of Oregonians classify themselves as "nonreligious" (while the U.S. average is only 7%; Washington is 14%). |
(Adherents.com) |
03/01 |
Adherents.com is a growing collection of over 57,000 adherent statistics and religious geography citations -- references to published membership/adherent statistics and congregation statistics for over 4,200 religions, churches, denominations, religious bodies, faith groups, tribes, cultures, movements, ultimate concerns, etc.
Basically, researchers can use this site to answer such questions as "How many Methodists live in Colorado?", "What are the major religions of Afghanistan?", or "What percentage of the world is Hindu?" We present data from both primary research sources such as government census reports, statistical sampling surveys and organizational reporting, as well as citations from secondary literature which mention adherent statistics.
Adherents.com is an Internet initiative and is not affiliated with any religious, political, educational, or commercial organization. Adherents.com is the 2nd most frequently visited general religion site on the Internet. |
(adherents.com) |
03/01 |
Joseph Campbell Foundation Website
The Joseph Campbell Foundation (JCF) . . . . is a non-profit corporation that continues the dissemination of the seminal works of Joseph Campbell on mythology and comparative religion. The Foundation is guided by three principal goals:
First, the Foundation preserves, protects, and perpetuates Campbell's pioneering work . . . .
Second, the Foundation promotes the study of mythology and comparative religion. This involves implementing and/or supporting diverse mythological education programs, supporting and/or sponsoring events designed to increase public awareness, donating Campbell's archived works (principally to the Joseph Campbell and Marija Gimbutas Archive and Library), and utilizing JCF's website as a forum for relevant cross-cultural dialogue.
Third, the Foundation helps individuals enrich their lives by participating in a series of programs, including our global, internet-based Associates program, our local international network of Mythological RoundTables, and our periodic Joseph Campbell related events and activities. |
(Joseph Campbell Foundation) |
Link Verified |
03/01 |
Guide to the Transpersonal Internet
This guide covers the small but rich portion of the Internet with transpersonal content. It was first published as an article in the ATP Newsletter in Fall 1997 (last updated 1/01). |
(D. Lukoff) |
03/01 |
Sacred Transformations
Personal Stories of Spiritual Emergence, Visions, Awakenings, and Their Effects on People's Lives. |
(B. Manrodt) |
03/01 |
Kundalini Resource Center
You will find, as you explore, that we are a community of people working together on the Internet to raise public awareness of kundalini, and to help those who are experiencing a kundalini awakening better understand what is happening to them. |
(KRC) |
03/01 |
C.G. Jung Page
The Jung Page was founded in 1995 to encourage new psychological ideas and conversations about what it means to be human in our time and place.... |
(D. Williams) |
03/01 |
Psychology of Religon Pages
Hello, and welcome to my Psychology of Religion pages! I have developed these pages to serve as a resource for people interested in psychological aspects of religious belief and behavior . . . . These pages were begun in 1994, and were last updated August 11, 2000. |
(M. Nielsen, Ph.D.) |
03/01 |
Project Mind Foundation
V I S I O N: to free the human spirit from the crushing illusion of materialism by using the transformative genius, latent in all humans, to eliminate real and addictive lack. |
(PMF) |
03/01 |
BELIEVE Religious Information Source
BELIEVE is a collection of around 1,500 articles by respected scholars on around 700 religious subjects. Protestant Christian Churches, the Roman Catholic Church, and the Orthodox Church, all follow Faiths which involve hundreds of individual subjects, which are each thoroughly presented in BELIEVE. Many of these subjects are very important to Faith, like Eschatology, but are seldom presented in Church Services or during Bible Study. Others are commonly known religious subjects, like Salvation, that we just present more thoroughly than is usually available. |
(Believe) |
11/99 |
Foundation for Shamanic Studies
World Wide Shamanic Web. Your source for information and products relating to the study of shamanism . . Founded by internationally renowned anthropologist Michael Harner with a three-fold mission to study, to teach, and to preserve shamanism, the Foundation for Shamanic Studies has built a reputation of consistency and dependability by providing reliable training in core shamanism to interested learners worldwide. |
(FSS) |
03/01 |
Ken Wilber An Overview
... at this point in history, the most radical, pervasive, and earth-shaking transformation would occur simply if everybody truly evolved to a mature, rational, and responsible ego, capable of freely participating in the open exchange of mutual self-esteem. There is the 'edge of history.' There would be a real New Age.
Ken Wilber, Up From Eden |
(Khandro.com) |
03/01 |
The Mission of the Hermetic Fellowship
Maintained on-site by the Hermetic Fellowship. |
(HF) |
Posted: |
09/98 |
What is Hermeticism?
Maintained on-site by the Hermetic Fellowship. |
(HF) |
Posted: |
09/98 |
The Hermetic Society
Now in its thirteenth year of continuous operation, the Hermetic Society is the Hermetic Fellowships lecture and discussion group exploring a broad range of topics in the Western Esoteric Tradition, meeting monthly in Portland, Oregon since 1988. The Herm Soc. meets on the third Thursday of every month (with the exception of October, and months where the third Thursday perchance falls on a major holiday). |
(HF) |
03/01 |
The Ancient Mysteries
Maintained on-site by the Hermetic Fellowship. |
(HF) |
03/01 |
Druidic Resources
Maintained on-site by the Hermetic Fellowship. |
(HF) |
03/01 |
Egyptian Resources
Maintained on-site by the Hermetic Fellowship. |
(HF) |
03/01 |
Gnostic Resources
Maintained on-site by the Hermetic Fellowship. |
(HF) |
03/01 |
Golden Dawn Resources
Maintained on-site by the Hermetic Fellowship. |
(HF) |
03/01 |
Grail & Arthurian Resources
Maintained on-site by the Hermetic Fellowship. |
(HF) |
03/01 |
New Age Resources
Maintained on-site by the Hermetic Fellowship. |
(HF) |
03/01 |
Occult Resources
Maintained on-site by the Hermetic Fellowship. |
(HF) |
03/01 |
Pagan Resources
Maintained on-site by the Hermetic Fellowship. |
(HF) |
03/01 |
Qabalistic Resources
Maintained on-site by the Hermetic Fellowship. |
(HF) |
03/01 |
Rosicrucian Resources
Maintained on-site by the Hermetic Fellowship. |
(HF) |
03/01 |
Western Mystery Tradition Resources
Maintained on-site by the Hermetic Fellowship. |
(HF) |
03/01 |
Wiccan Resources
Maintained on-site by the Hermetic Fellowship. |
(HF) |
03/01 |
PSYCHE: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Research on Consciousness
PSYCHE (ISSN: 1039-723X) is a refereed electronic journal dedicated to supporting the interdisciplinary exploration of the nature of consciousness and its relation to the brain. PSYCHE publishes material relevant to that exploration from the perspectives afforded by the disciplines of cognitive science, philosophy, psychology, physics, neuroscience, and artificial intelligence. Interdisciplinary discussions are particularly encouraged. |
(Psyche) |
Link Verified |
03/01 |
The Voodoo Server
Voodoo has been around for hundreds of years. It has captivated the imagination of Hollywood producers and directors, who have made countless movies about zombies and the black magic behind the voodoo religion. Today voodoo is accepted in Haiti and practiced in the Dominican Republic, New York, Miami and other haitian communities in exile. Our editors will be bringing you new information every week on every aspect of this Caribbean religion.. |
(caribe.com) |
Link Verified |
03/01 |
Stanford University Zoroastrian Group
Welcome to the Stanford University Zoroastrian Group's World Wide Web home page. Our first year of re-existance at Stanford was a very interesting one. The high point, of course, was the Seventh North American Zoroastrian Youth Conference (ZYC '95). Held here at Stanford over the 4th of July weekend, the congress was attended by more than 300 Zoroastrian youths (age 13 - 45) from the US and Canada; youths from a few other countries outside North America, including England and Australia, were also able to join us. You can find more information on the congress in the Sunday, July 2nd edition of the San Jose Mercury News. |
(SUZG) |
03/01 |
Association for Magical and Earth Religions |
(AMER) |
03/01 |
Common Boundary Magazine |
(Common Boundary) |
03/01 |
Religion Page (WWW Virtual Library) |
(A. Mueller) |
03/01 |
School of Wisdom |
(SoW) |
03/01 |
Steps of Zion Universal Life Church |
03/01 |
Storms Website on Plato
Website retired by owner. |
(A. Storm) |
03/01 |