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Isis Magic: The Book
Table of Contents
Part One
Chapter I. The Great Goddess Isis
The Meaning of the Worship of Goddess Today Why Isis The Question of Deity Personification The Many and the One Isis as a Living Goddess
Chapter II. Existing from the Beginning
The One Goddess The Hellenized Isis Myth The Egyptian Isis Myth In the Beginning Was Isis The Bird of Prey Goddess Isis Regenetrix She Who Is upon Her Throne The Great Goddess Throne
Chapter III. Mother, Full of Beauty
Motherhood in Egypt Egyptian Great Mother Goddesses Isis as Great Mother Isis as Cow Goddess Apis Bull and Hesis Cow Isis-Io Isis, Mother of Pharaoh, Mother of the Dead Harsiese: Horus, the Son of Isis The Pregnancy of Isis The Sufferings of Isis Isis as Protective Mother Mother of the Gods The Great Mother and Wholeness
Chapter IV. Great of Magic
Magic in Egypt Magic Among the Hellenes The Magic of the Name Isis and the Name of Re A New Meaning for an Old Myth Everyday Magic Magic and the Magicians More Tales of the Magic of Isis The Healing Magic of Isis Medicines of the Goddess Magika Hiera Goddess of Magic
Chapter V. Lady of Green Plants
The Lady of the Fertile Field Isis as Grain Goddess Isis-Thermouthis The Serpent Goddess and Agathe Tyche Isis and Demeter Osiris as Grain God Other Sacred Plants The Waters of Life Isis Sothis: Celestial Herald of the Inundation The Great River Bringer of the Inundation Osiris: Lord of Cool Water Ritual Use of Water in the Rites of Isis Isis Pelagia: The Lady of the Sea The Navigium Isidis: A Greco-Roman Festival of Isis A Description of the Navigium Isidis
Chapter VI. Goddess of Women
Women in Ancient Egypt Women in Ancient Greece Women in the Hellenistic World Women in Rome and the Empire Women in the Rest of the Isiac World Lady of Marriage and Childbirth Isis and the Birth Goddesses Love, Sexuality, and Sacred Renewal Goddess of Love Sexual Scandals and the Temple of Isis The Great Virgin Priestesses and Devotees Isis and the Queenship The Ptolemaic Queens Isis the Warrior Queen Isis the Feminist
Chapter VII. The Black One
An Initiation into the Mysteries of Isis The Greco-Roman Mysteries The Purposes of Mysteries The Egyptian Origin of Greek Mysteries? Egyptian Mysteries Death: The Great Initiation The Mysteries of Isis The Rites in Greco-Roman Times Born-Again Isiacs Isis the Savior Images of Mystery The Path of Love
Chapter VIII. Isis Veiled
The Hermetic Isis Lady of Wisdom The Goddess Unheeded “A Public School for Training Mages”: The Temple of Isis at Canopus ° The Last Pagan Temple: The Temple of Isis at Philæ Isis in the Middle Ages The Black Madonna Renaissance of the Pagan Traditions Giordano Bruno: The Neo-Egyptian Magician Elizabeth and Isis Isis and the Mythographers The Tablet of Isis The Philosophers’ Goddess: Isis and Alchemy Isis in the Lodges The Goddess of Initiation The Goddess of the Golden Dawn
Chapter IX. Isis Unveiled
Dion Fortune: Priestess of the Moon The Moon Magic of Isis “ll Women Are Isis” Colonel Seymour: A True Mage CCT: A Priestess of Isis in the House The Cosmic Isis, the Isis Within, and the Silver Priestess The Value of Imagining Isis Aleister Crowley and the Isis Aeon The Fellowship of Isis Perceptions of the Goddess Coming to Isis Being in the Service of Isis Greeting the Goddess Opening the Ways to Isis
Part Two
Chapter X. Entering the House of Isis
Worshipping Isis Growing in Her Presence The Magic of Isis The Art of Ritual The House of Isis
Chapter XI. Becoming the Votary of Isis
On the Work of the Votary
Developing Openness to Goddess Unfolding Hope Practicing Expectation Developing Your Spiritual Skills
The Robe of the Votary
Tying the Knot of Isis
The Wings and Breath of Isis
On Purification and Consecration
The Lotus Pool Rite
Making Nile Water
On Invocation
The Opening of the Ways
The Rite of Isis of the Earth
Invoking the Four Pillars of the Earth
The Star of Isis
Meditations of the Votary of Isis
The Ritual of the Making of a Priest/ess of Isis
Chapter XII. Becoming the Handmaiden or Servant of Isis
On the Work of the Handmaiden or Servant of Isis
Preparing Your Temple Discovering Your Priest/esshood The Path of Personal Devotion The Path of the Moon How to Approach the Practices in the House of Isis
The Robe of the Handmaiden or Servant of Isis
On the Elemental Symbols
On the Elemental Symbols
On Vibration
On Sacred Posture and Gesture
Energy Movement in Sacred Posture and Gesture
The Lotus Wand of Isis
The Opening of the Ways: Priest/ess Version
On Devotional Practices
Meditations of the Handmaiden or Servant of Isis
The Rites of Sacred Nature
Winter: The Rite of Loosing the Eyes
Spring: The Navigium Isidis
Summer: The Rising of Sothis
Autumn: The Inundation Rite
The Ritual of Knowing What Is in the Heart
Chapter XIII. Becoming the Magician of Isis in the House of Life
On the Work of the Magician of Isis in the House of Life
Invoking the Aakhu The Path of the Sun Consecration of the Temple Rites of Passage, Rites of Life Making Magic The Work of Isis and the Way of Isis
The Robe of the Magician
Enlivening the Divine Image
The Rites of Life
Celebration for the Birth of a Horus Child
The Marriage of Isis and Osiris
The Opening of the Ways for an Ever-Living One
On Kheperu: The Ways of Becoming
The Ritual of Isis and Re
The Throne
On Divination in the House of Isis
Choosing a Divination System
On Natural Magic
The Amulet of Isis and Horus
Making Ushabtis
The Knot of Healing
The Scorpion Rite
Weaving Healing
The Rite of the Tet
Meditations of the Magician of Isis
Chapter XIV. Becoming the Prophet/ess of Isis
On the Work of the Prophet/ess of Isis
Oracular Work, Incubation, and Healing The Path of the Stars Entering the Mysteries
The Robe of the Prophet/ess of Isis
Becoming the Beloved of Isis
On Oracular Work
What the Prophet/ess Does Preparing for Prophecy Becoming the Prophet/ess Testing Messages and Refocusing
The Oracle of Isis
The Boat of Millions of Years
The Voice of Isis
On Incubation: Sacred Dreaming
The Practice of Incubation
The Blessing of Isis
Causing Sothis to Rise in the Temple
The Sea-Egg of Isis Pelagia
The Lamentations of Isis
The Calling of the Waters
The Entry of Osiris into the Moon
New Moon
Waxing Moon
Full Moon
Waning Moon
Dark Moon
The Rite of Lady Alchymia
Harvesting the Roses and Lotuses of Art
The Rite of Lady Alchymia
Negredo: The Death of Osiris
Albedo: The Purification
Rubedo: Osiris Rising
Meditations of the Prophet/ess of Isis
Appendix: Isis Myrionymos: Epithets of the Goddess
Lotus Ornament