Dionysos |
(Latinized as Dionysus): "Dionysos." Possibly "God of Nysa" or "Zeus of Nysa," Nysa being the Dionysiac sacred Mountain. The name may also derive from a pre-Greek original.
Through the derivative common ancient dedicatory name Dionysios (and particularly due to Pseudo-Dionysios the Aeropagite and Dionysios of Paris), the source of the modern Christian names Denis, Dennis, Denise, and Denny. |
passim |
Diônysos |
Variant spelling of Dionysos supra. |
Homeric Hymn to Diônysos |
Agrios |
"The Wild One." An allonym and epithet for Dionysos. |
Orphic Hymn to Dionysos |
Aigobolos |
"The Goatslayer." An allonym and epithet for Dionysos. |
Otto |
Aktaios |
"He of the Seacoast." An allonym and epithet for Dionysos at Chios. |
Otto |
Anax Bakcheios |
"Bacchic Lord." An allonym and epithet for Dionysos. |
Orphic Hymn to Dionysos |
Anax Dionysos |
"Lord Dionysos." |
Lysidôros, Dionysiakon |
Anax Agreus |
"Lord Hunter"; a title used of Dionysos. |
Euripidês, Bakchai 1192 |
Anthrôporraistês |
"The Render of Humans." An allonym and epithet for Dionysos. |
Otto |
Arêion |
"The Martial One." An allonym and epithet for Dionysos. |
Orphic Hymn to Dionysos |
Arrêtos |
"The Ineffable." An allonym and epithet for Dionysos. |
Orphic Hymn to Dionysos |
Auxitês |
"The Grower, Bringer of Growth."An allonym and epithet for Dionysos. |
Otto |
Axios Tauros |
"The Worthy Bull." A title of Dionysos. |
Otto |
Bakcheios |
"The Bacchic One." An allonym and epithet for Dionysos. At Sikyôn and Korinthos in the northern Peloponnesos, Dionysos Bakcheios was the Dark Aspect of the God in a complementary Dyad with Dionysos Lysios as the Light Aspect. |
Orphic Hymn to Dionysos, Pausanias; etc. |
Bakcheus |
"The Bacchic One." An allonym and epithet for Dionysos. On the island of Naxos in the Kyklades, Dionysos Bakcheus was the Dark Aspect of the Vinewood Mask in a complementary Dyad with Dionysos Meilichios as the Light Aspect of the Figwood Mask. See also Bakcheios. |
Orphic Hymn to Trietêrikos; Athênaios |
Bakchos |
(Latinized as Bacchus) "Crier, Caller." The most ancient form of the Name appears to have been Vakchos (V=early Greek letter Vau or Digamma), probably from the same Indo-European root as Lat. vox ( "voice, call, cry"). Note that the Eleusinian Iakchos probably comes from a closely related ancient form Vivachos. By a pun,Vakchos also meant "The Scion (i.e., of Zeus)."
See also Bakcheios and Bakcheus. |
passim |
Bassareus |
"The Fox-God." A Thracian allonym for Dionysos. Lord of the Bassarids. |
Otto |
Bassaros |
"The Vulpine One." A variant form of Bassareus, a Thracian allonym and epithet for Dionysos. Lord of the Bassarids. |
Orphic Hymn to Trietêrikos |
Botriephoros |
Probably a variant of Botryophoros below. |
Orphic Hymn to Dionysos |
Botryophoros |
"Bearer of Clusters of Grapes." An allonym and epithet for Dionysos. |
Lysiodôros, Dionysiakon |
Bougenês |
"The Oxborn One." An allonym and epithet for Dionysos. |
Otto |
Boukerôs |
"The Ox-horned One." An allonym and epithet and epithet for Dionysos. |
Otto |
Bromios |
(Latinized as Bromius) "He Who Sounds/ Rumbles/ Roars." Cook thinks this refers to the thunder Dionysos inherited from Zeus. To some contemporary Dionysiacs, it refers to the metaphoric vibratory rumble of the sensed movement of great hidden Dionysiac energies, often perceived as a vibration in the spine, like the rumble of distant bass music.Neodionysiac variants: Hyperbromios refers to the deep vibration of celestial Dionysiac power like thunder, and Hypobromios to the deep vibration of chthonic Dionysiac power like a temblor. |
Aischylos, Eumenidês, et passim |
Bythios |
"The Deep." An allonym and epithet for Dionysos. |
Meliophis Thiasos |
Charidôtês |
"The Giver of Grace." An allonym and epithet for Dionysos. |
Otto |
Choreutês |
"The Dancer." An allonym and epithet for Dionysos. |
Orphic Hymn to Dionysos |
Choroplekês |
"The Danceweaving One." An allonym and epithet for Dionysos. |
Nonnos, Dionysiaka xliv |
Chthonios |
"The Chthonic One; He of the Underworld." An allonym and epithet for Dionysos and many other Gods. |
passim |
Delphis |
"The Dolphin." An allonym for Dionysos. |
Meliophis Thiasos |
Dendritês |
"The Tree God." An allonym and epithet for Dionysos. |
Pausanias, Otto |
Dikerôtês |
"The Two-horned One." An allonym and epithet for Dionysos. |
Orphic Hymn to Dionysos |
Dimorphos |
"The Two-Formed One." An allonym and epithet for Dionysos. In addition to referring to His shapeshifting, see also Diphyês. |
Orphic Hymn to Dionysos |
Dionysos Agrios |
"Dionysos the Wild." |
Orphic Hymn to Dionysos |
Dionysos Aigobolos |
"Dionysos Goatslayer." |
Otto |
Dionysos Aktaios |
"Dionysos of the Seacoast" at Chios. |
Otto |
Dionysos Anthestêrios |
"Dionysos of the Anthestêria festival." |
Meliophis Thiasos |
Dionysos Antheus |
"Dionysos the Blossoming One." See also Dionysos Anthios and Dionysos Euanthês. Of course associated with the Anthestêria festival. |
Kerényi, "Kabeiroi"; Otto; etc. |
Dionysos Anthios |
"Dionysos of the Flowers." See also Dionysos Antheus and Dionysos Euanthês. Of course associated with the Anthestêria festival. |
Kerényi, "Kabeiroi"; Otto; etc. |
Dionysos Anthrôporraistês |
"Dionysos the Render of Humans." |
Otto |
Dionysos Arêion |
"Dionysos the Martial." |
Orphic Hymn to Dionysos |
Dionysos Arrêtos |
"Dionysos the Ineffable." |
Orphic Hymn to Dionysos |
Dionysos Auxitês |
"Dionysos the Grower, Bringer of Growth." |
Otto |
Dionysos Bakcheios |
"Dionysos the Crier," or "Bacchic Dionysos." At Sikyôn and Korinthos in the northern Peloponnesos, Dionysos Bakcheios was the Dark Aspect of the God in a complementary Dyad with Dionysos Lysios as the Light Aspect. |
Pausanias |
Dionysos Bakcheus |
"Bacchic Dionysos." On the island of Naxos in the Kyklades, Dionysos Bakcheus was the Dark Aspect of the Vinewood Mask in a complementary Dyad with Dionysos Meilichios as the Light Aspect of the Figwood Mask. See also Dionysos Bakcheios. |
Orphic Hymn to Trietêrikos ; Athêniaos |
Dionysos Bassareus |
"Dionysos the Fox-God." A Thracian Form, the Master of the Bassarides (Thracian Fox Mænades). |
. |
Dionysos Bassaros |
"Vulpine Dionysos." A variant Form of Dionysos Bassareus, the Master of the Thracian Bassarides. |
Orphic Hymn to Trietêrikos |
Dionysos Botriephoros |
"Dionysos the Bearer of Grape Clusters." |
Orphic Hymn to Dionysos |
Dionysos Bougenês |
"Dionysos the Oxborn." |
Otto |
Dionysos Boukerôs |
"Ox-horned Dionysos." |
Otto |
Dionysos Bromios |
"Dionysos Who Bromes / Roars / Sounds." |
passim |
Dionysos Charidôtês |
"Dionysos the Giver of Grace." |
Otto |
Dionysos Choreutês |
"Dionysos the Dancer." |
Otto |
Dionysos Choroplekês |
"Danceweaving Dionysos." |
Nonnos, Dionysiaka |
Dionysos Chthonios |
"Chthonic Dionysos; Dionysos of the Underworld." |
Otto |
Dionysos Dendritês |
"Dionysos the Tree-God." According to Pausanias, worshipped nearly everywhere in Greece.
Some Hermetic Qabalistic Dionysiacs use this title in reference to the contemplative exercise of placing Correspondences (Aspects, Epithets, Implements, etc.) of the God in each of the 32 stations on the Tree of Life. |
Pausanias; Lysidôros, Dionysiakon |
Dionysos Dikerôtês |
"Dionysos the Two-horned"; probably refers to His well-known Bull Form. |
Orphic Hymn to Dionysos |
Dionysos Dimorphos |
"Dionysos of the Two Forms." See Diphyês. |
Orphic Hymn to Dionysos |
Dionysos Diphyês |
"Dionysos of the Two Natures." |
Orphic Hymn to Dionysos |
Dionysos Dithyrambos |
"Dionysos the God of the Dithyramb Hymn." |
Burkert, Harrison, Otto, et passim |
Dionysos Eiraphiôtês |
"Dionysos the In-sewn One." |
Homeric Hymn to Diônysos i; et passim |
Dionysos Ekstatikos |
"Dionysos the Ecstatic." |
Lysiodôros, Dionysiakon |
Dionysos Ekstatophoros |
"Dionysos the Bringer of Ecstasy." |
Lysiodôros, Dionysiakon |
Dionysos Eleuthereus |
"Dionysos the Emancipator." Variant of Eleutherios. Also, "Dionysos of the city of Eleutherai." |
Pausanias |
Dionysos Eleutherios |
"Dionysos the Emancipator." See also Lyaios and Lysios. |
Lysiodôros, Dionysiakon |
Dionysos Eribromios |
"Dionysos the Loud Sounder / Roarer." |
Homeric Hymn to Diônysos; et passim |
Dionysos Ernesipeplos |
"Dionysos the Shoot-robed." |
Orphic Hymn to Dionysos |
Dionysos Eschatos |
"Dionysos the Furthest/ the Most/ the Extreme." |
Lysiodôros, Dionysiakon |
Dionysos Euanthês |
Dionysos the Fair Blossoming One." See also Antheus and Anthios. |
Otto |
Dionysos Euastêr |
"Dionysos the Reveler (lit., He Who Shouts Eua)." |
Orphic Hymn to Dionysos |
Dionysos Eubouleus |
"Dionysos the Good Counselor." |
Orphic Hymn to Dionysos; Orphic Hymn to Trietêrikos |
Dionysos Euergetês |
"Dionysos the Benefactor, the Doer of Good." |
Otto |
Dionysos Euios |
"Dionysos the Reveler (lit., He of the Shout Euoê)." |
Orphic Hymn to Dionysos |
Dionysos Gynaimanês |
"Dionysos Who Is Mad for Women." |
Homeric Hymn |
Dionysos Hagnos |
"Dionysos the Pure, the Holy." |
Orphic Hymn to Dionysos |
Dionysos Iatros |
"Dionysos the Healer." |
Otto |
Dionysos Kallikarpos |
"Dionysos of Lovely Fruit." |
Otto |
Dionysos Kissobryos |
"Dionysos the Ivy-Wrapped." |
Orphic Hymn to Dionysos |
Dionysos Kissokomês |
"Ivy-Crowned Dionysos." |
Otto |
Dionysos Kissos |
"Dionysos the Ivy." |
Otto |
Dionysos Korymbophoros |
"Dionysos the Cluster-laden." |
Nonnos, Dionysiaka |
Dionysos Krêsios |
"The Cretan Dionysos." |
Otto |
Dionysos Kryphios |
"Dionysos the Secret, the Hidden." |
Orphic Hymn to Dionysos |
Dionysos Lamptêr |
"Dionysos Bringer of Light/ Illuminator/ Torchbearer/ Lampbearer." God of the Lamptêria Festival. |
Kerényi, "Kabeiroi"; etc. |
Dionysos Lênaios |
"Dionysos of the Wine-press." |
Orphic Hymn to Trietêrikos |
Dionysos Liknitês |
"Dionysos of the Winnowing Fan Cradle." |
Orphic Hymn to Trietêrikos; Burkert; Harrison; et passim |
Dionysos Limnagenês |
"Marshborn Dionysos" at Athens. |
Otto |
Dionysos Limnaios |
"Dionysos of the Marsh" at Athens. |
passim |
Dionysos Lyaios |
"Dionysos Bringer of Freedom." See also Eleutherios and Lysios. |
Otto; etc. |
Dionysos Lyseus |
"Dionysos the Liberator." Variant form of Dionysos Lysios. |
Orphic Hymn to Trietêrikos |
Dionysos Lysios |
"Dionysos the Liberator." At Sikyôn and Korinthos in the northern Peloponnesos, Dionysos Lysios was the Light Aspect of the God in a complementary Dyad with Dionysos Bakcheios as the Dark Aspect. See also Eleutherios and Lyaios and Meilichios. |
passim |
Dionysos Mainomenos |
"Dionysos the Maddened One." Often refers to the young God, maddened by Hera and healed by the ecstatic rites of Mêtêr Kybelê. |
Homeros, Iliad 6.132 |
Dionysos Makar |
"Dionysos the Blessed." Makar is a common epithet for any God. |
Orphic Hymn to Trietêrikos |
Dionysos Manikos |
"Dionysos the Manic One, the Mad One, the Frenzied One." |
Orphic Hymn to Trietêrikos |
Dionysos Mantis |
"Dionysos the Diviner, the Seer, the Prophet, the Oracle." |
Otto |
Dionysos Meilichios |
"Dionysos the Gentle." On the island of Naxos in the Kyklades, Dionysos Meilichios was the Light Aspect of the Figwood Mask in a complementary Dyad with Dionysos Bakcheios as the Dark Aspect of the Vinewood Mask. See also Dionysos Lysios. |
Athênaios |
Dionysos Mêkônikos |
"Dionysos of the Poppies." |
Lysiodôros, Dionysiakon |
Dionysos Melanaigis |
"Dionysos of the Black Goatskin." |
Ploutarchos; the Suda; etc. |
Dionysos Meskalitos |
Dionysos Mescalito, Dionysos of the Agave Plant (of Pulque, Mezcal, and Tequila) and of Peyote and Mescaline. An American Neobacchic epithet identifying Dionysos with the Hispano-Nahuatl figure of Mescalito brought to the attention of Anglophone readers by Carlos Castaneda. |
Lysiodôros, Dionysiakon |
Dionysos Morychos |
"The Dark Dionysos" at Syracuse. |
Polemon |
Dionysos Nebrôdês |
"Dionysos in the Form of a Fawn." |
Anthologia Palatina |
Dionysos Nyktelios |
"Dionysos of the Night." |
Ploutarchos |
Dionysos Nykterinos |
"Dionysos the Nocturnal One." |
Ploutarchos |
Dionysos Nyktiphaês |
"Night-Illuminating Dionysos." |
Nonnos, Dionysiaka |
Dionysos Nyktipolos |
"Dionysos the Night-Wanderer." |
Otto |
Dionysos Nysios |
"Dionysos of Nysa, the Sacred Mountain." |
Orphic Hymn to Trietêrikos |
Dionysos Oikêtôr |
"Dionysos the Indweller." |
Lysiodôros, Dionysiakon |
Dionysos Ômadios |
"Dionysos of the Raw Feast." |
Orphic Hymn to Trietêrikos; etc. |
Dionysos Ômêstês |
"Dionysos the Eater of the Raw." |
Otto |
Dionysos Oreiarchês |
"Dionysos Lord of the Mountain." An allonym and epithet for Dionysos. |
Lysiodôros, Dionysiakon |
Dionysos Palaios |
"Dionysos the Ancient." |
Lysiodôros, Dionysiakon |
Dionysos Paradoxos |
"Dionysos the Unexpected, the Paradoxical." |
Lysiodôros, Dionysiakon |
Dionysos Paralogos |
"Dionysos the Inexplicable, the Unaccountable, Who Is Beyond Reason." |
Lysiodôros, Dionysiakon |
Dionysos Pelagios |
"Dionysos of the Sea" at Pagasai. |
Otto |
Dionysos Perikionios |
"Dionysos Who is Entwined Around the Pillar(s)." |
Otto |
Dionysos Phanês |
"Dionysos the Illuminator, the Manifestor, the Revealer." |
Lysiodôros, Dionysiakon |
Dionysos Philogaios |
"Dionysos Lover of the Earth." |
Lysiodôros, Dionysiakon |
Dionysos Philogelôs |
"Dionysos Lover of Laughter." |
Lysiodôros, Dionysiakon |
Dionysos Philogêthês |
"Dionysos Lover of Joy." |
Lysiodôros, Dionysiakon |
Dionysos Philoinos |
"Dionysos Wine-Lover." |
Lysiodôros, Dionysiakon |
Dionysos Philomêtôr |
"Dionysos Lover of the Mother." |
Lysiodôros, Dionysiakon |
Dionysos Philomousos |
"Dionysos Lover of the Muses." |
Lysiodôros, Dionysiakon |
Dionysos Ploutodotês |
"Dionysos the Bestower of Riches." |
Otto |
Dionysos Polyboulos |
"Dionysos the Much-Counseling, Dionysos the Exceedingly Wise." |
Orphic Hymn to Dionysos |
Dionysos Polyeidês |
"Dionysos of the Many Images." |
Otto |
Dionysos Polygêthês |
"Dionysos of Much Joy; Dionysos of Many Joys." |
Orphic Hymn to Lysios Lenaios; etc. |
Dionysos Polymorphos |
"Dionysos of the Many Forms." |
Otto |
Dionysos Polyônomos |
"Many-Named Dionysos." |
Orphic Hymn to Trietêrikos |
Dionysos Polyparthenos |
"Dionysos of the Many Maidens." |
Orphic Hymn to Trietêrikos |
Dionysos Prôtogonos |
"Dionysos the Firstborn." |
Orphic Hymn to Trietêrikos |
Dionysos Skêptouchos |
"Sceptre-Bearing Dionysos." |
Orphic Hymn to Trietêrikos |
Dionysos Sôtêr |
"Dionysos the Saviour." |
Otto, etc. |
Dionysos Sykeatês |
"Dionysos of the Fig Tree." Variant of Dionysos Sykitês. |
Otto |
Dionysos Sykitês |
"Dionysos of the Fig Tree." |
Otto |
Dionysos Taurokerôs |
"Bull-horned Dionysos." |
Euripidês; Orphic Hymn to Trietêrikos; etc. |
Dionysos Taurophagos |
"Dionysos the Bull-Devourer." |
Sophoklês |
Dionysos Tauropôn |
"Dionysos the Bull-faced." |
Orphic Hymn to Dionysos |
Dionysos Teletarchês |
"Dionysos the Lord of Initiation." |
Orphic Hymn to Trietêrikos |
Dionysos Thaumasios |
"Dionysos the Wondrous, the Miraculous." |
Lysiodôros, Dionysiakon |
Dionysos Thaumatourgos |
"Dionysos the Wonderworker." |
Lysiodôros, Dionysiakon |
Dionysos Theourgikos |
"The Theurgic Dionysos." |
Lysiodôros, Dionysiakon |
Dionysos Thiasogenetês |
"Dionysos the Father of the Thiasos." |
Lysiodôros, Dionysiakon |
Dionysos Thriambos |
"Dionysos the God of the Triumphal Thriambos Hymn." |
passim |
Dionysos Thyônidas |
"Dionysos Son of Thyone." |
Otto |
Dionysos Thyrsomanês |
"Dionysos the Thyrsos-Raving." |
. |
Dionysos Thyrsophoros |
"Dionysos the Thyrsos-Bearer." |
Dionysos Thyrsotinaktês |
"Dionysos the Thyrsos-Shaker." |
Orphic Hymn to Trietêrikos |
Dionysos Trietêrikos |
"Dionysos the Trieteric (Biennial) One." |
Orphic Hymn to Trietêrikos |
Dionysos Trietês |
"Dionysos the Trieteric (Biennial) One." A variant form of Dionysos Trietêrikos. |
Orphic Hymn to Dionysos |
Dionysos Trigonos |
"Dionysos the Thriceborn." |
Orphic Hymn to Dionysos |
Dionysos Xenos |
"Dionysos the Stranger" or "D. the Strange/ Foreign/ Exotic/ Other." |
. |
Dionysos Zagraios |
"Zagræan Dionysos." See Zagreus. |
. |
Dionysos Zatheos |
"Dionysos the Very Holy." The Supernal Aspect, the High Form, of Dionysos. |
Lysiodôros, Dionysiakon |
Diphyês |
"He of the Two Natures." An allonym and epithet for Dionysos. Dionysos as the God Who embodies the Parmenidean Complements (viz., His rôle as the complement to Apollôn at Delphi, the Bright Mask and the Dark Mask at Naxos, etc.). |
Orphic Hymn to Dionysos |
Dithyrambos |
"The God of the Dionysiac Dithyramb Hymn." Note: Dithyrambos, like Thriambos, is almost certainly a word adopted by the Greeks from the pre-Greek indigenes. Alterantively, an etymology has been proposed based on the Greek word thyra ("gate"), a loanword (like Kadmos, Europa, Kabeiroi, and the names of the letters of the alphabet) from their Semitic-speaking Phnician neighbors, which would read Dithyrambos as "He of the Two Gates," alluding to the God's multiple births and rebirths. |
passim |
Dotês |
"The Giver / Bestower." An allonym and epithet for Dionysos. |
Meliophis Thiasos |
Eiraphiôtês |
"The In-Sewn One." An allonym and epithet for Dionysos. Refers to Dionysos' gestation in the thigh of Zeus after the immolation of Semelê. |
Homeric Hymn to Diônysos i; et passim |
Ekstatikos |
"The Ecstatic One." An allonym and epithet for Dionysos. |
Lysiodôros, Dionysiakon |
Ekstatophoros |
"The Bringer of Ecstasy." An allonym and epithet for Dionysos. |
Lysiodôros, Dionysiakon |
Eleuthereus |
"The Emancipator." An allonym and epithet for Dionysos. Variant of Eleutherios. |
Pausanias |
Eleutherios |
"The Emancipator." An allonym and epithet for Dionysos, as for Zeus. See also Lyaios and Lysios. |
Lysiodôros, Dionysiakon |
Eribromios |
"The Loud Roarer." An allonym and epithet for Dionysos. An intensive Form of Bromios. |
Homeric Hymn vii To Diônysos; et passim |
Ernesipeplos |
"The Shoot-robed One." An allonym and epithet for Dionysos. |
Orphic Hymn to Dionysos |
Eschatos |
"The Furthest/ the Most/ the Extreme." A Neodionysiac allonym and epithet for Dionysos. |
Lysiodôros, Dionysiakon |
Euanthês |
"The Fair Blossoming One." An allonym and epithet for Dionysos. |
Otto |
Euhastêr |
"The Reveler (lit., He Who Shouts Euha)."An allonym and epithet for Dionysos. |
Orphic Hymn to Dionysos |
Eubouleus |
"The Good Counselor."
1. An allonym and epithet for Dionysos.
2. A Chthonic God or Hero. Brother of Triptolemos, and therefore son of either Keleos and Metaneira or Dysaules and Baubo. said in one myth to have been herding swine at the site of the abduction of Perspehonê, when some of his pigs were drawn into the Underworld chasm opened by Aidoneus/ Haidês. For this reason, it is said, pigs were sacrificed in honour of Eubouleus in a subterranean chamber as part of the Thesmophoria; one may suspect that deeper myths regarding Eubouleus were known to the Initiates, as he was worshipped at Athens as part of a Chthonic Trinity with Dionysos and Tritopatreus. |
Orphic Hymn to Trietêrikos, et passim |
Euergetês |
"The Benefactor, the Doer of Good." An allonym and epithet for Dionysos. |
Euhios |
"The Reveler (lit., He of the Shout Euhoi or Evohe)."An allonym and epithet for Dionysos. |
Orphic Hymn to Dionysos |
Gethosynos |
"The Joyful / Rejoicing One." An allonym and epithet for Dionysos. |
Meliophis Thiasos |
Gapotos |
"He Who Is Drunken Up by the Earth." An allonym and epithet for Dionysos, referring to the Wine, His Blood, poured upon the Earth in the form of Libations. |
Meliophis Thiasos |
Gigantophonos |
"Giant-Slayer." An allonym and epithet for Dionysos. |
Meliophis Thiasos |
Hagnos |
"The Pure, Holy One." An allonym and epithet for Dionysos. |
Orphic Hymn to Dionysos |
Hebetikos |
"The Youthful." An allonym and epithet for one Form of Dionysos. |
Meliophis Thiasos |
Hêgatheos |
"The High God." An allonym and epithet for one Form of Dionysos. |
Meliophis Thiasos |
Iakchos |
"The Crier, Caller." Probably an early variant of Bakchos, particularly associated with Eleusis, in the Form of a youth whose name is called forth by the host of Initiates and Candidates during the Sacred Procession. |
passim |
Iatros |
"The Healer." An allonym and epithet for Dionysos; more commonly of Apollôn and Asklêpios. |
Otto |
Kissobryos |
"The Ivy-Wrapped One." An allonym and epithet for Dionysos. |
Orphic Hymn to Dionysos |
Kissokomês |
"The Ivy-Crowned One." An allonym and epithet for Dionysos. |
Otto |
Kissos |
"Ivy." An allonym and epithet for Dionysos. |
Otto |
Korymbophoros |
"The Cluster-laden." An allonym and epithet for Dionysos. The root word korymbos here is obviously another very ancient pre-Greek word like thriambos and dithyrambos. |
Nonnos, Dionysiaka xliv |
Krêsios |
"The Cretan." An allonym and epithet for Dionysos. |
Otto |
Kryphios |
"The Secret One, the Hidden One."An allonym and epithet for Dionysos. |
Orphic Hymn to Dionysos |
Lamptêr |
"Light-bringer; Torchbearer; Lampbearer." An allonym and epithet for Dionysos. |
Lênaios |
"He of the Wine-press." An allonym and epithet for Dionysos. |
Orphic Hymn to Trietêrikos |
Liknitês |
"He of the Winnowing Fan Cradle." An allonym and epithet for Dionysos. |
Orphic Hymn to Trietêrikos; et passim |
Limnagenês |
"The Marshborn One." An allonym and epithet for Dionysos at Athens. |
Otto |
Limnaios |
"He of the Marsh." An allonym and epithet for Dionysos at Athens. |
passim |
Lyaios |
"Bringer of Freedom; Liberator." An allonym and epithet for Dionysos. |
Otto, etc. |
Lyseus |
"Liberator." An allonym for Dionysos. Variant form of Lysios. |
Orphic Hymn to Trietêrikos |
Lysios |
"Liberator; Bringer of Freedom." An allonym and epithet for Dionysos. At Sikyôn and Korinthos in the northern Peloponnesos, Dionysos Lysios was the Light Aspect of the God in a complementary Dyad with Dionysos Bakcheios as the Dark Aspect. See also Eleutherios and Lyaios and Meilichios. |
passim |
Mainomenos |
"The Frenzied One." An allonym and epithet for Dionysos. |
Homeros, Iliad 6.132 |
Makar |
"Blessed One."An allonym and epithet for Dionysos; a common allonym for any God. |
Orphic Hymn to Trietêrikos, et passim |
Manikos |
"The Manic One, the Mad One, the Frenzied One."An allonym and epithet for Dionysos. |
Orphic Hymn to Trietêrikos |
Mantis |
"The Diviner, the Seer, the Prophet, the Oracle." An allonym and epithet for Dionysos, as well as Apollô. |
Otto |
Meilichios |
"The Gentle One." An allonym and epithet of Dionysos. Note that this is not a mere euphemism; on Naxos in the Kyklades, Dionysos Meilichios was the Light Aspect of the God in a complementary Dyad with Dionysos Bakcheus as the Dark Aspect. See also Lysios. |
Athênaios |
Mêkônikos |
"He of the Poppies." An allonym and epithet for Dionysos. |
Lysiodôros, Dionysiakon |
Melanaigis |
"He of the Black Goatskin." An allonym and epithet for Dionysos. |
Ploutarchos; the Suda; etc. |
Meskalitos |
Mescalito, He of the Agave Plant (of Pulque, Mezcal, and Tequila) and of Peyote and Mescaline. An American Neobacchic epithet identifying Dionysos with the Hispano-Nahuatl figure of Mescalito brought to the attention of Anglophone readers by Carlos Castaneda. |
Lysiodôros, Dionysiakon |
Morychos |
"The Dark One." An allonym and epithet of Dionysos at Syracuse. |
Polemon |
Nebrôdês |
"The Fawn-form One." An allonym and epithet for Dionysos. |
Anthologia Palatina |
Nyktelios |
"He of the Night." An allonym and epithet for Dionysos. |
Ploutarchos |
Nykterinos |
"The Nocturnal One." An allonym and epithet for Dionysos. |
Ploutarchos |
Nyktiphaês |
"The Night-Illuminating One." An allonym and epithet for Dionysos. |
Nonnos, Dionysiaka |
Nyktipolos |
"The Night-Wanderer." |
Otto |
Nysios |
"He of Nysa, the Sacred Mountain."An allonym and epithet for Dionysos. |
Orphic Hymn to Trietêrikos |
Oikêtôr |
"The Indweller." An allonym and epithet for Dionysos when He is temporarily incarnate in the Docheus ("Vessel") of His Bakchos Priest or Bakchê Priestess. |
Lysiodôros, Dionysiakon |
Ômadios |
"He of the Raw Feast." An allonym and epithet for Dionysos. |
Orphic Hymn to Trietêrikos; etc. |
Ômêstês |
"Eater of the Raw." An allonym and epithet for Dionysos. |
Otto, etc. |
Oreiarchês |
"Lord of the Mountain." An allonym and epithet for Dionysos. |
Lysiodôros, Dionysiakon |
Palaios |
"The Ancient One." An allonym and epithet for Dionysos. |
Lysiodôros, Dionysiakon |
Paradoxos |
"The Unexpected One, the Paradoxical One." An allonym and epithet for Dionysos. |
Lysiodôros, Dionysiakon |
Paralogos |
"The Inexplicable One, the Unaccountable, He Who Is Beyond Reason." An allonym and epithet for Dionysos. |
Lysiodôros, Dionysiakon |
Pelagios |
"He of the Sea." An allonym and epithet for Dionysos at Pagasai. |
Otto |
Perikionios |
"He Who is Entwined Around the Pillar(s)." An allonym and epithet for Dionysos. |
Otto; Lysiodôros, Dionysiakon |
Phanês |
"The Illuminator, the Manifestor, the Revealer." The Orphic High God identified with both Dionysos and Apollôn. |
Orphika passim |
Philogaios |
"Lover of the Earth." An allonym and epithet for Dionysos. |
Lysiodôros, Dionysiakon |
Philogelôs |
"Lover of Laughter." An allonym and epithet for Dionysos. |
Lysiodôros, Dionysiakon |
Philogêthês |
"Lover of Joy." An allonym and epithet for Dionysos. |
Lysiodôros, Dionysiakon |
Philoinos |
"Wine-Lover." An allonym and epithet for Dionysos. |
Lysiodôros, Dionysiakon |
Philomêtôr |
"Lover of the Mother." An allonym and epithet for Dionysos. |
Lysiodôros, Dionysiakon |
Philomousos |
"Lover of the Muses." An allonym and epithet for Dionysos. |
Lysiodôros, Dionysiakon |
Ploutodotês |
"The Bestower of Riches." An allonym and epithet for Dionysos. |
Otto |
Polyboulos |
"The Much-Counseling, the Exceedingly Wise." An allonym and epithet for Dionysos. Also see Eubouleus. |
Orphic Hymn to Dionysos |
Polyeidês |
"He of the Many Images." An allonym and epithet for Dionysos. |
Otto |
Polygêthês |
"Bringer of Many Joys." An allonym and epithet of Dionysos. |
Orphic Hymn to Lysios Lênaios, etc. |
Polymorphos |
"He of the Many Forms." An allonym and epithet for Dionysos. |
Otto |
Polyônomos |
"The Many-Named One." An allonym and epithet for Dionysos. |
Orphic Hymn to Trietêrikos |
Polyparthenos |
"He of the Many Maidens." An allonym and epithet for Dionysos. |
Orphic Hymn to Trietêrikos |
Prôtogonos |
"The Firstborn." An Orphic allonym and epithet for Dionysos. |
Orphic Hymn to Trietêrikos |
Skêptouchos |
"Sceptre-Bearer." An allonym and epithet for Dionysos. |
Orphic Hymn to Trietêrikos |
Sôtêr |
"Saviour." Epithet and allonym of many Gods (Dionysos, Apollôn, Isis, Zeus, Persephonê, Christos, etc.). |
passim |
Sykeatês |
"He of the Fig Tree." An allonym and epithet for Dionysos. Variant of Sykitês (q.v.). |
Otto |
Sykitês |
"He of the Fig Tree." An allonym and epithet for Dionysos. |
Otto |
Taurokerôs |
The "Bull-horned One." An allonym and epithet for Dionysos. |
Euripidês, Bakchai; Orphic Hymn to Trietêrikos; et passim |
Taurokerôs Theos |
The "Bull-horned God." A form of Dionysos. |
Euripidês, Bakchai |
Taurophagos |
"Devourer of the Bull." An allonym and epithet for Dionysos on Rhodes. |
Sophoklês |
Tauropôn |
"The Bull-faced One." An allonym and epithet for Dionysos. |
Orphic Hymn to Dionysos |
Teletarchês |
"Lord of Initiation." An allonym and epithet for Dionysos. Also used for a category of Powers in the Chaldæan Oracles. |
Orphic Hymn to Trietêrikos |
Thaumasios |
"The Wondrous One, The Miraculous One." An allonym and epithet for Dionysos. |
Lysiodôros, Dionysiakon |
Thaumatourgos |
"Wonderworker." An allonym and epithet for Dionysos. |
Lysiodôros, Dionysiakon |
Thiasogenetês |
"The Father of the Thiasos." An allonym and epithet for Dionysos. |
Lysiodôros, Dionysiakon |
Thriambos |
"The God of the Triumphal Dionysiac Thriambos Hymn." Note: Dithyrambos, like Thriambos, is almost certainly a word adopted by the Greeks from the pre-Greek indigenes. Alterantively, an etymology has been proposed based on the Greek word thyra ("gate"), a loanword (like Kadmos, Europa, Kabeiroi, and the names of the letters of the alphabet) from their Semitic-speaking Phnician neighbors, which would read Dithyrambos as "He of the Two Gates," alluding to the God's multiple births and rebirths. Greek Thriambos was mutated into Roman Triumphus, which produced English triumph and trump. |
Burkert, Harrison, Otto, etc. |
Thyônidas |
"Son of Thyônê." An allonym and epithet for Dionysos. |
Otto |
Thyrsomanês |
"He Who Raves with the Thyrsos." An allonym and epithet for Dionysos. |
. |
Thyrsophoros |
"The Thyrsos-Bearer." An allonym and epithet for Dionysos, as for His priests, priestesses, and votaries. |
passim |
Thyrsotinaktês |
"The Thyrsos-Shaker." An allonym and epithet for Dionysos. |
Orphic Hymn to Trietêrikos |
Trietêrikos |
"The Trieteric (Biennial) One." An allonym and epithet for Dionysos. See also Trietês. |
Orphic Hymn to Trietêrikos |
Trietês |
"The Trieteric, Biennial One." An allonym and epithet for Dionysos. See also Trietêrikos. |
Orphic Hymn to Dionysos |
Trigonos |
"The Thriceborn." An allonym and epithet for Dionysos. |
Orphic Hymn to Dionysos |
Xenos |
"The Stranger" or "The Strange/ Foreign/ Exotic/ Other." An allonym and epithet for Dionysos. |
Euripidês |
Zagreus |
"Zagreus," son of Zeus and Persephonê, was slain by the Titanes and resurrected as Dionysos. Zagreus has been tentatively translated as "Great Hunter" (za + agreus) by some lexicographers on the model of zatheos ("very holy, very divine"). Though certainly possible, the title seems unlikely when one considers the rôle of Zagreus in His central myth. I suggest we follow the other principal meaning of the agr- root and read Zagreus as the "Great Wild God" or, if we take the suffix -eus as indicating agency, "Great Instigator of Wildness," as alternative and more appropriate translations. It is also a very distinct possibility that it is the Græcized form of a truly Thracian or Phrygian name as yet untranslated. |
passim |
Zatheos |
"The Very Holy." The epithet Zatheos/Zathea indicates the Supernal Aspect, the High Form, of a Deity (e.g., Apollôn Zatheos, Ariadnê Zathea, etc.) |
Lysiodôros, Dionysiakon |
Zoophoros |
."Life Bringer." An allonym and epithet for Dionysos. |
Meliophis Thiasos |
Zoros |
."The Undiluted Wine." An allonym and epithet for Dionysos. |
Meliophis Thiasos |