The Hermetic Fellowship Website
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Content last updated at the Vernal Equinox, 20 March, 2003 CE.
This website is created and maintained
as a Votive Offering to
Dionysos the Liberator
by Lysiodoros His Priest
Welcome to the Dionysion...
This site is dedicated to serving as a general resource for votaries of the God Dionysos and His Mysteries, and as a specific resource for the thriving Pacific Northwest Dionysiac community and for the Alexandrine Temple of the Hermetic Fellowship, located in Portland, Oregon, USA.
The following links will carry the vagabond Dionysiac to many sites some of them maintained here at the Dionysion by Lysiodoros and the Hermetic Fellowship of relevance, even if it is sometimes whimsical and perhaps even paradoxical relevance (it is Dionysos, don't forget), to the many aspects of the God.
The God Dionysos
Some say the Gods are just a myth
but guess who I've been dancing with!
The Waterboys, Dream Harder (1993)
The Return of Pan Lyrics: Mike Scott
Lets talk Dionysiac tattoos. You show me yours, and Ill show you mine...
Thiasos Dionysos
Welcome to Thiasos Dionysos, a community of Dionysos worshippers who have gathered to revive the ancient forms of worship for the god of wine and ecstasy. We have an informal email list, where we discuss our mutual relationships with Dionysos the Liberator. The founders of this group have long wished to start regional ritual groups in the offline world, and we are starting with putting up this site. Here you can find contacts with members in your area, you can become an active voice in discussing rituals and devotions, and eventually become a member of the Thiasos. We hope you enjoy the information and interaction here!
Thiasos Dionysos maintains a Yahoo! Group.
(Jennifer, Oenochoe, Sannion)
Temenos of Dionysos
Like the Dionysion, this excellent website was created and is maintained as a votive offering to Lord Dionysos.
The Dionysian Webring
Another votive work by the indefatigable Oenochoe.
"For sites devoted to Dionysos, the ancient Greek god of wine, tragedy, and ecstasy. Pagan worshippers especially welcome, as well as mythology, classics, and historical information. Io Evoe!"
Temple of Dionysos
An online Temple to Dionysos, with hymns, quotations, guestbook, etc.
(Kyrene Ariadne)
Anon., The Homeric Hymns
I have updated this link so it will take you to the texts at Perseus. At this wonderful site, you can access not only the English translation by Evelyn-White (the one in the Loeb series), but also the Greek text and critical notes. Hymns I, VII, and XXVI are Hymns to Dionysos.
Euripides, The Bakchai
The Bakchai (aka The Bacchae, The Bacchants).
I have updated this link so it will take you to the texts at Perseus. At this wonderful site, you can access not only the English translation, but also the Greek text and critical notes.
Classical Myth: Dionysos: Images
The Dionysiac segment of Laurel Bowmans excellent collection of links to sourceworks in Classical mythology for Greek and Roman Studies at the Univ. of Victoria.
(L. Bowman)
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Dionysos in Western Art
Sadly, for many of us, this magnificent website at Haifa in Israel is now inaccessible. I quote: Sorry - for contractual and copyright reasons, access to this material is allowed only from computers within certain networks, and is for the sole use of University students and staff.
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(limited access)
Divine Madness
Harvard Prof. Gregory Nagys essay on The Bacchae.
Dionysos & Kataragama: Parallel Mystery Cults
A detailed, knowledgable, and fascinating article offering another entrant onto the growing list of Indian Gods comparable to the Mediterranean Dionysos.
This article first appeared in The Journal of the Institute of Asian Studies, Vol. XIV No. 2 March 1997,.
(P. Harrigan)
Proclus On the Signs of Divine Possession
ON THE SIGNS OF DIVINE POSSESSION is my title for an extract from Proclus preserved in a work by the Byzantine Christian Neoplatonist, Michael Psellus, in his Accusation against Michael Cerularius before the Synod (Pros tên sunodon katêgoria tou archiros) ed. by É. des Places Oracles Chaldaiques Paris (Les Belles Lettres) 1971. ( pp 219, 14 220, 32). It has not, to my knowledge, been translated into English before. Stephen Ronan (1998)
A set of notes on Dionysos by Kristi Thompson.
(K. Thompson)
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Brief notes on Dionysos for the Classics 315 class at Cal. State Northridge.
(J.P. Adams)
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The Cult of Dionysos An interesting set of eclectic notes, ranging from Aischylos to Madame Blavatsky.
(Underground Streams)
Best Western Dionysos Hotel:-)
Four-star hotel in Mykonos, Greece. This was just too surreal not to list. I can't believe it wasn't Tom Robbins who thought of this...
(BW Dionysos Hotel)
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The Ancient Mysteries Resources for the Study & Revival of the Ancient Mysteries
A collection of resources and links relating to the larger context in which the worship of Dionysos finds its natural home.
The Alteration of Consciousness
close your eyes
breathe slow and we will begin
to look together
for the Pan within
The Waterboys, This Is The Sea (1985)
The Pan Within Lyrics: Mike Scott
PHARMAKA Mind-Altering Substances
Drank fire with the King of the Blues,
plugged in to the Medicine Way
The Waterboys, Dream Harder (1993)
Glastonbury Song Lyrics: Mike Scott
The Road to Eleusis
This groundbreaking book is apparently no longer available online as freely accessible e-text. A new edition of the printed book has been released, and it has been pulled from the Web (as far as I can discern).
The Psychedelics and Religion
By Walter Houston Clark, ffrom PSYCHEDELICS, edited by Bernard Aaronson and Humphrey Osmond, Doubleday & Company (1970).
(The Psychedelic Library)
Entheogens and the Future of Religion
A book edited by Robert Forte, with chapters by R. Gordon Wasson, Albert Hofmann, Brother David Steindl-Rast, Jack Kornfield, Alexander and Ann Shulgin, Dale Pendel, Thomas Riedlinger, Terence McKenna, Rick Strassman, Thomas Roberts, Robert Jesse, Eric Sterling. Published by the Council on Spiritual Practices, San Francisco (1997) Note: This is not an e-book online, but a description of a worthwhile book to purchase.
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MDMA and Religion
The Agony and Ecstasy of Gods Path. An article by Nicholas Saunders published in The Guardian, 29/7/95, edited from the book Ecstasy and the Dance Culture.
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A Western Approach to the Religious Use of Psychochemicals. An essay by L. Bieberman (1968).
The Lycaeum
The Lycaeum is a non-profit drug information archive, working to promote awareness about the effects, chemistry, and history of entheogens. We offer several free services, including an extensive database of psychoactive substances, community-based discussion forums, and internet hosting for entheogen-related groups wishing to establish a stronger online presence.
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The CSP Entheogen Project
A project of the Council on Spiritual Practices. The purpose of the Entheogen Project is to systematically gather knowledge about the immediate and long-term effects of entheogen use and to explore how public policy might accommodate responsible spiritual practices incorporating entheogens.
Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies
Can you imagine a cultural reintegration of the use of psychedelics and the states of mind they engender?
The Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies (MAPS) is a membership-based non-profit research and educational organization. We assist scientists to design, fund, obtain approval for and report on studies into the healing and spiritual potentials of MDMA, psychedelic drugs and marijuana. MAPS' goal is to use the data generated from scientific research to develop these drugs into prescription medicines.
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Erowid Psychoactive Vaults
A vast resource, incorporating the Psychedelics Archive site formerly at Hyperreal.
The Doors of Perception
The complete text of the classic description of his mescaline experience by Aldous Huxley.
(Vaults of Erowid)
The Psychedelic Experience A manual based on the Tibetan Book of the Dead By Timothy Leary, Ph.D., Ralph Metzner, Ph.D., & Richard Alpert, Ph.D. The complete text of the book.
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Erowid LSD Vault
An extensive resource, incorporating the LSD Archives formerly at Hyperreal.
(Vaults of Erowid)
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LSDMy Problem Child
The complete text of the book by Albert Hoffman, the discoverer of LSD.
(Sputnik Drug Information Zone, Lycæum)
The Timothy Leary Home Page
All of the conceptual ideas in this website are Timothy's own. Most of the text is from his own pen. aims to gather and make accessible objective, authoritative and up to date information about the drug ecstasy (principally MDMA). The site is non-profit making and is maintained by volunteers.
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E for Ecstasy
The complete text of the book by Nicholas Saunders (1993).
Entheogen Dot
Due to time constraints on the part of the administrators, this site is temporarily unavailable. Please bear with us as we overhaul Thanks for flying, Glider
In spite of this statement, some subsidiary sections of entheogen Dot are available.
The Forbidden Fruit
While the name of the site suggests another psychedelics portal, it is actuallyin addition to entheogenic resourcesa broadly herbal site ranging from ethnobotanicals to Wicca.
The Shroomery
This site was created to help stop the spread of dangerous misinformation related to psychedelic mushrooms, so that people can make intelligent, informed decisions about what they put in their bodies. We made an effort to consolidate the plethora of information available on the World Wide Web into an all-encompassing source of accurate facts, and we think we can safely say that this page will be the only reference you'll need for mushroom information..
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Accessing the Spirit World
wo hallucinogenic plants have been identified in 4,000-year-old wall paintings at rock-shelters throughout the Pecos River region of southwest Texas and northern Mexico. Newsbrief in Archaeology, Vol. 49 No. 6, Nov/Dec 1996.
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The Secret Chief
Conversations with a pioneer of the underground psychedelic therapy movement, by Myron J. Stolaroff. 100% of the profits from the sale of this book will go toward psychedelic psychotherapy research. Available for purchase; complete html text available on-line.
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Entheogen Quotations
An interesting collection of quotations regarding entheogenic drugs assembled by CSP in 1994 and 1995.
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Lick This Screen
An online gallery of the printed art of -- you guessed it -- blotter acid. Formerly at Hyperreal.
(Vaults of Erowid)
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Hyperborea : Alchemical Garden at the Edge of Time
You have entered an Alchemical Garden at the Edge of Time. There is haze upon the distant hills, spreading Acacias bend low over reflecting pools. The air is filled with an all pervasive hum; these are the reveries of the Proustian bees. Your guide will be gardener/curator Terence McKenna.
(T. McKenna)
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Ayahuasca, DMT, & Friends
An extensive collection of resources rleating to Ayahuasca, Yage, Harmaline, etc.
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Datura of the Dark Side
This site is created in hopes of further exploring the use and knowledge of one of the most misunderstood plants in the entheogenic world.
(Entheogen Dot)
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Datura...Goddess of the Dark Side
By WhiteWolf. Insane? Maybe....but as I journey in the outer realms I have discovered that there are many different teachers and many different allies. Datura is such an ally.
(Whitewolf, Entheogen Dot)
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Datura and Ancient Egypt
Datura as rays from the Ssolar Disk on the Stele of Tuth-Shena and Horus?
High Times Magazine
Warning! This HIGH TIMES web site contains content about marijuana and psychedelic drugs. Some of the controversial subjects covered include cannabis cultivation, drug laws, pot humor, high art, drug tests, legal highs, the legalization of marijuana, the recreational use of marijuana, the medical uses for marijuana and the worldwide impact of the drug war.
(High Times)
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Smart Drug / Nootropic Info
Nootropic: a word coined by Dr. Giurgea to describe a new class of drugs that act as cognitive enchancers with no side effects or toxicity, from Greek words noos, meaning mind and tropein meaning toward..
Wines on the Internet is the Web's premier site for consumers, collectors and wine lovers.
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Hi-Time Wine Cellars
Not only the largest retail wine cellar in the West, but we ordered some of the more exotic tequilas and mescals from these guys for an agave-tasting we had a while back. Their phone rep enjoyed helping us put it together.
Weekly wine articles by a veteran wine guru.
(F. McMillin)
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Wines of Oregon
Brought to you by the Oregon Wine Advisory Board.
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The Beer Info Source
Welcome to the NEW Beer Info Source! A new look and a new structure are designed to help you get around more easily and find what you're looking for. Hope you enjoy it! This is a service provided to the seekers of fine brews who wish to locate information on the Net regarding their favorite
beverage. The Beer Info Source is currently non-commercial and privately supported.
(J. Lock)
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McMenamins Pubs & Breweries
Portland, OR. Creativity knows no limits! As our minds expand, so does our business. Ideas evolve. The end result is often not seen in the original plan. When we have fun, all good things follow. Our Northwest establishments include family oriented Pubs, Breweries, Music Venues, Historic Hotels, Theater Pubs and more, featuring original Artwork (like the Art seen on these pages), classic architecture, and funky ambiance. We're always reaching higher, so explore our site and enjoy!
Fadó Irish Pub
Portland, OR. Welcome to Fadó Portland, located at the corner of N.W. 23rd and Burnside in the former location of Henry Thieles Restaurant. An authentic Irish Pub in the heart of beautiful Portland with handsome wood interior, award winning draught beers served in imperial sized pints, we are your unassuming home away from home.
The Spirit of Raving Archives
Dance ecstatically to the techno beats, become mesmerized by psychedelic visuals and mind-bending music, stay up all night and explore an enhanced state of consciousness... What is raving? Check out the rave FAQ for a more thorough attempt at defining it. You may also want to explore Hyperreal for in-depth information on the music, publications, mailing lists, and activities often associated with the world-wide rave scene.
But many will claim that the rave experience is much more than the sum of its parts. Dancing for hours to trance-inducing music in a mind expanding, sensory stimulating atmosphere often creates a focus much different from the typical nightclub scene. . .
We are One in the Dance!
Northwest Raves
Northwest Raves is an email listserve dedicated to electronic music and the surrounding culture. There are approximately 700 members from many parts of the world, but the focus of the discussion is on the Northwest U.S. and Canada (Seattle,WA - Vancouver,BC - Victoria,BC - Portland,OR - Eugene,OR - Spokane,WA - and other surrounding cities.).
The Doors Mythos
Introduction to the revised edition of No One Here Gets Out Alive by DANNY SUGERMAN. On The Doors Website.
(D. Sugarman)
Jim Morrison
But the main thing is that we are The Doors. We are from the West. The whole thing is like an invitation to the West. The sunset - This is the end The night - The sea
The world we suggest is of a new wild west. A sensuous evil world. Strange and haunting, the path of the sun, you know?. On The Doors Website.
(The Doors)
The Cult of the Lizard King
Morrison, with his "Greek God" beauty, his fiery passion and dark mysterious persona, has been considered a Dionysos incarnate. He certainly tried to bring something like shamanism and Greek drama to rock music and to the stage; he tried to shock people out of their complacency and into a terrifying and liberating ecstasy. Since his death at a young age in 1971, a cult has grown around him; many people, myself included, sense his presence as a guiding force, build altars to him, etc. There was even a "First Church of the Doors" at one time.
(D. Morgan)
The Doors Lyrics
A fans site, with lyrics from the principal albums as well as An American Prayer. If youre tired of people making fun of you for singing Raygun Through to the Other Side, this is the site for you.
(M. Shklyar)
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Highlights from Reviews of the 1997 Whirling Dervish Tour
Although some people unfamiliar with their history may expect whirling dervishes to offer giddy spinning, this program made clear that these venerable Islamic ceremonies are serene. They are not even theatrical spectacles but sacred rituals...
(Threshold Society)
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Dances of Universal Peace
From the beginning of time, sacred movement, song and story have brought people together - at times of seasonal ceremony and celebration, as part of everyday life and life passages, in daily renewal and meditation, etc... The Dances of Universal Peace are part of this timeless tradition of Sacred Dance. . .
The Dances of Universal Peace were brought together in the late 1960's by Samuel L. Lewis (1896-1971), a Sufi Murshid (teacher) and Rinzai Zen Master, who also studied deeply in the mystical traditions of Hinduism, Judaism, and Christianity.
Dance Meditation
Dance meditation is a unique, integrated movement meditation system for exploring and healing oneself. It approaches dance as a meditation and meditation as a dance. Both are an entwined opportunity to explore the relationships between self-&-other, self-&-cosmos, self-with-self and self-to-The Divine Eternal.
(Dervish Society of America)
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Sacred Dance Guild
Dance as a Language of Faith and Celebration
The Sacred Dance Guild is dedicated to dance as spiritual expression for:
Enrichment of personal devotion and prayer.
Connectedness within the community at worship.
Acceptance and Expansion of relationships with God and others.
Disciplined Growth of the whole person: mind, body, and spirit.
Creative Discoveries within the art form and in its relevance to the other arts in religion.
Religious Education for increased interfaith understanding.
Avodah Dance Ensemble
Avodah is a modern dance company that uses ancient sacred texts to connect and reconnect our spiritual selves to God and community. Reaching deep wihin the Jewish tradition, using dance, music and movement, Avodah strives to strengthen and further define Jewish idenity. Reaching out through cross-cultural collaborations Avodah, which in Hebrew connotes service or worship, builds bridges to the larger community.
Belly Dancing Art Of Middle Eastern Dance
Welcome to The Art Of Middle Eastern Dance, an oasis for belly dancers on the Internet caravan route that offers belly dancing education, inspiration, and entertainment! You'll find over 300 articles, cartoons, poems, opinion polls, song translations, and more, all related to belly dancing!.
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Old Time Relijun
A band which contacted the DIonysion. Their bass clarinetist and guitarist, Arrington de Dionyso, tells us, We are musical omophagia in the ecstatic shamanic strain of noisy bromios.
And, hey, if you have a revolutionary bone in your body, Bacchant, you've got to love a band that puts its manifesto on its website...
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A term and concept arising among Pagans and artists involved with the Rave scene and its Vibe.
(K. Powers, Hyperreal)
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The EggEcstatic Dance and Ritual
A Few Words on Ecstatic Dance and Ritual Symbolism
(This was written for The Egg, a Spring Equinox ritual taking place on 15 March 1997 in Rochester, NY.)
(Rev. Reynard, Hyperreal)
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A Technopagan Blessing
A Technopagan Blessing upon the first firing-up of a new HeNe laser, by (technopagan priest) - 23 Jun 1993.
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Rave as Meditation
By Catherine, age 16. Id love to know what this 16-year-old will be like at 30; I have high hopes shell be one of the blessed ones.
Christian Sacred Dance
Dance that Glorifies God, Evangelizes and Ministers
For He has called us out of darkness into His marvelous light!
(One Accord Ministry)
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A Night of Trance Dance in the Medina
In Marrakech one night we met beside one of the old city gates. We - a group of exited Swedes and Khadidja with some friends. Khadidja, the Swedish dance anthropologist Gita Sellmann´s (1) assistant in Morocco had promised to take us to a night of trance dance in the Medina! It was just before Ramadan (the Islamic month of fasting) and this ceremony was one of the preparations before the fast.
Didaskalia: Ancient Theatre Today
UC Berkeley. Your electronic source for the latest developments in Greek and Roman drama, dance, and music as they are performed today. Note: Didaskalia is in the process of moving. If the above link expires, this will be the URL for the new Didaskalia site.
Yahoo! Theatre
A collection of thetrical performing arts links.
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Commedia dellArte
Commedia Dell'Arte is the ancient Italian improvisational masked comedy born in the Renaissance and performed until the first half of the eighteenth century. Troupes traveled city to city earning their living by performing comedies, farces, parodies and political satires in the streets, markets, and at carnivals and fairs.
(D. Cummins, Furman)
Kabuki: Frozen Features in a Floating World
Kabuki is a set of resources designed to create a hyper-linked research environment for the study of Japanese culture, kabuki theater, Japanese performance, and kinsei history.
(R. Hooker)
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York Doomsday Gateway Page
This has grown from a multimedia computer project on the fifteenth-century York Mystery Plays, arguably the most famous of the cycles, into a research project exploring all aspects of the plays and their various social, intellectual, religious, and theatrical contexts. It also aims to present the surviving evidence around the original performance in a completely new way, using both traditional and innovative techniques.
(York Doomsday Project)
Mystery and miracle plays in English drama
The tremendous flowering of English drama during the Elizabethan Age had its roots in earlier nonliturgical vernacular religious dramatic formsthe mystery, miracle, and morality plays. Article by Tina Blue.
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Oregon Onstage
Portland Area Theatre Alliance
Portland, OR. Supporting Live Theatre.
Did you know there are over 140 theatre groups in the greater portland metro area? Io, io, Dionyse Theatrike!
The Musical Theatre Company 12/2001: TMTC is, sadly, defunct.
Portland's own Musical Theatre Company (MTC) recently cancelled their season, and announced the company is currently on hiatus. Costumes, sets and equipment are being sold to accommodate the deficit caused by a hefty rent increase from the Portland Public School District.Æ
Portland, OR. Experience a season of 5 Imago shows sure to topple your senses and refresh your belief in the amazing possibilities of the stage. Performed and created by Portland's premiere theater company.
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Dramatourgeion Theatre Offstage
Mnemosyne Sacred Drama Guild
We are a group of enthusiastic Portland, Oregon, amateurs who, since 1994, have produced an annual dramatic event as a benefit for the restoration of the Stonehenge Monument near Goldendale, Washington.
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Greek Dramatherapy in Greece and Cypress
This page has been created to help you understand more about Dramatherapy and to help you link with relevant Sites,Training Centers and Publications.
Dramatherapy has as its main focus the intentional use of healing aspects of drama and theatre as the therapeutic process. It is a method of working and playing that uses action methods to facilitate creativity, imagination, learning, insight and growth.
(Dr. D. Kyriacou)
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Ôdeion Theatre Onscreen
The Internet Movie Database
Prepare yourself for the biggest, best, most award-winning movie site on the planet.
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Drews Script-o-Rama
So many movie scripts it blows the mind. From Austin Powers to Zen Differential. Recently added scripts: Cabinet Of Dr. Caligari, Mystery Of The Wax Museum.
Cinema 21
Portland,OR. Cinema 21 is an independently-owned, locally-operated movie theater. Portlands home for art, indy, and alternative film.
(Cinema 21)
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Northwest Film Center
The Portland Art Museum Northwest Film Center is a regional media arts resource and service organization based in Portland, Oregon founded to encourage the study, appreciation and utilization of the moving image arts, foster their artistic and professional excellence, and to help create a climate in which they may flourish. The Center provides a variety of film and video exhibition, education and information programs primarily directed to the residents of Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Montana and Alaska.
Audion Theatre Of the Mind (Radio and Audio Drama)
ZBS Foundation
Fort Edwards, NY. Welcome to ZBS! Contemporary audio drama with the swish of satin and the bite of a piranha!
The talented people who have been chronicling the mind-expanding adventures of Jack Flanders, Mojo Sam the Yoodoo Man, Little Frieda, and Ruby for 25 years.
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The House of Firesign
...the Biggest Heap O Firesign Theatre on the Net Also, Home of the Firesign Theater Webring.
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Radio Free Oz
Pete Bergman's RADIO FREE OZ
The Funny Bone of the Internet! Real Audio-Comedy from the top comedic cyber-visionaries
(Peter Bergman)
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Radio Theater on the Web
Radio has wings. It has no stage to keep it within the limits of a proscenium arch, no camera to confine to things that may be seen. The imagination of the listener is our most ardent and helpful collaborator.
-- Jerome Lawrence, from Off Mike, 1944
LodesTone Audio Theatre Catalog
The Lodestone Catalog is the source for contemporary audio theater. This means new and exciting works, not "old-time radio." Although we are fans of the old stuff, we specialize in works by people who are currently producing new works.
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WCRS Radio Stage
Listen to RealAudio streaming audio drama from Studio X.
ACB Classic Radio Trove
Listen to RealAudio streaming Old Time Radio from the American Council of the Blind.
(Am. Council for the Blind)
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