Ancient Mysteries Reading List
Under development by the Hermetic Fellowship |
(HF) |
The Stele
Homepage of The Omphalos, extraordinary website for Græco-Roman Neopaganism. It currently has some information about publications, organizations and festivals, as well as links to some relevant files and to a number of relevant Web sites. The files include rituals, hymns and other texts useful to Hellenic Neopagans. The Stele will continue to evolve as more information becomes available. |
(J. Opsopaus) |
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03/03 |
A US-based religious organization dedicated to the revival and practice of Hellenic polytheism. We approach Hellenic religion from the reconstructionist perspective, which includes both an emphasis on historical precedent and respect for personal spiritual inspiration. We offer local congregations, study opportunities, and fellowship for those who worship the Olympians and the other deities of ancient Greece in a traditional way..
There is aso a new mirror site courtesy of HF stalwart Kier Salmon. |
(Hellenion) |
03/03 |
Ai Mystai
Ai Mystai is an organization devoted to the birth of modern Hellenic Mysteries, and their associated groups, rituals, and study. Hellenists have long lacked access to initiatory groups dedicated to bringing people into a mystical relationship with the Gods and providing personal gnosis. Ai Mystai aspires to remedy this situation.
Our plan is not to duplicate the unknown past, but to build a thriving mystical community upon the foundation of ancient and modern Hellenismos. We cherish the building blocks left for us by such schools and rites as the Eleusinian, Orphic, Dionysian, Mithraic, etc., while not claiming to be any of these ancient Mystery sects.
Our doors are open wide to those who seek deeper devotion to the Gods of Hellenismos and ancient Hellas. Although our Mysteries are Greek, personal beliefs and devotions of aspirants, students, and members may include non-Hellenic deities and beliefs according to the leading of each person's inner experience.
Ai Mystai maintain a Yahoo! Group. |
(Ai Mystai) |
03/03 |
Nomos Arkhaios
Nomos ArkhaiosAttic Greek for "ancient custom"is a collection of Web-based educational and devotional resources for those who worship the gods of ancient Greece. Anyone who would like to learn more about Hellenic polytheism is cordially invited to browse through the site. By the author of the book Old Stones, New Temples. |
(A. Campbell) |
03/03 |
Nova Roma: Rome Reborn
Dedicated to the restoration of Classical Roman religion, culture, and virtues. |
(Nova Roma) |
03/03 |
The Eleusinian Mysteries
(via the Ecole Initiative) |
(E.A. Beach) |
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03/03 |
The Dionysion: A Virtual Shrine of Dionysos the Liberator
Maintained here on the HF Website by Lysiodoros. |
(HF & Lysiodoros) |

On-Site |
03/03 |
The Cosmic Mysteries of Mithras
Website of the author of the excellent Origins of the Mithraic Mysteries |
(D. Ulansey) |
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03/03 |
The Samothracian Mysteries
Information on Samothrace from Samothrace. |
(Samothrake) |
03/03 |
Sanctuary of the Great Gods on Samothrace
Photos and description of the ruins of the Sanctuary. |
(Hellenic Ministry of Culture) |
03/03 |
The Kabeiroi: The Great Gods of Samothrace
Excellent collection of source quotes regarding the Kabeiroi/Cabiri. |
(Theoi Project) |
03/03 |
Biblioteca Arcana
A collection of material relevant to Hellenic Neopaganism by John Opsopaus and Apollonius Sophistes. |
(J. Opsopaus) |
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03/03 |
Alexandria on the Web
Companion website to Phanes Presss journal |
(D. Fideler) |
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03/03 |
Sannions Sanctuary
Stimulating collection of articles in the categories Hellenic Polytheism, General Writings, Pagan Rants. Also Links, etc. |
(Sannion) |
03/03 |
Traditions of Magic in Late Antiquity
A Museum Exhibition |
(Univ. Michigan) |
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03/03 |
Hermetic Virtual Library
Maintained by the Hermetic Fellowship |
(HF) |
On-Site |
11/99 |
Hermes Trismegistus |
(The Mystica) |
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03/03 |
The Development of Hermes Trismegistus |
(Secreta Secretorum) |
03/03 |
On the Trail of the Winged God: Hermes and Hermeticism Throughout the Ages
Lengthy article by Stephen Hoeller |
(Gnosis Archive) |
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03/03 |
About the Corpus Hermeticum |
(Secreta Secretorum) |
03/03 |
Texts of the Corpus Hermeticum
In the HF's Hermetic Virtual Library |
(HF) |
On-Site |
11/99 |
Egyptian Resources
Maintained by the Hermetic Fellowship |
(HF) |
Last Updated:
On-Site |
03/01 |
Gnostic Resources
Maintained by the Hermetic Fellowship |
(HF) |
Last Updated:
On-Site |
03/01 |
The Orphic Hymn to Hekatê
An Annotated Translation Trans. A.P. Forrest |
(HF & A. Forrest) |
On-Site |
09/98 |
Hekate in Greek Esotericism |
(Secreta Secretorum) |
03/03 |
The Homeric Hymns
(Greek & English) Trans. H.G. Evelyn-White |
(Perseus Project) |
03/03 |
Hesiod, The Theogony
(Greek & English) Trans. H.G. Evelyn-White |
(Perseus Project) |
03/03 |
Classical Myth: The Ancient Sources |
(L. Bowman) |
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03/03 |
Theoi Project
Welcome to Theoi.com a guide to the Ancient Greek Pantheon of Gods (Theoi), Spirits (Daimones) and Monsters (Theres).
Here you will find individual entries the various divinities & monsters containing quotes sourced from a wide and growing variety of Classical Texts. Many are also illustrated with pictures from C5th BC Greek Vase Painting. |
(Theoi Project) |
03/03 |
A Review of Kingsleys Ancient Philosophy, Mystery and Magic
Read Opsopauss excellent review.
My reviewIf the Mysteries matter to you, read Kingsleys books!Lysiodoros |
(J. Opsopaus) |
03/03 |
The Fragments of Heraclitus of Ephesus
The surviving fragments of Herakleitos and a supporting discussion. |
(J. Burnet) |
03/03 |
The Poem of Parmenides of Elea,
The surprising brief and unquestionably influential Presocratic poem, and a supporting discussion. |
(J. Burnet) |
03/03 |
Empedocles of Akragas
Another useful presentation by John Burnet. |
(J. Burnet) |
03/03 |
The Pythagoreans
A valuable collection of scholarly essays and lectures on the Pythagoreans. |
(Exploring Platos Dialogues) |
03/03 |
Plato, Timaeus
(Greek & English) Trans. R.G. Bury |
(Perseus Project) |
03/03 |
Plotinus, The Enneads
Trans. S. Mackenna & B.S. Page |
(Internet Classics Archive, MIT) |
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03/03 |
Proclus On the Theology of Plato
Roy George. |
(Shrine of Athena) |
03/03 |
Porphyrius, On Images
Trans. E.H. Gifford |
(Internet Classics Archive, MIT) |
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03/03 |
Iamblichu, Theurgia: or, On the Mysteries of the Egyptians
Pearsons online edition of the 1911 Wilder translation. |
(J.H. Pearson, Esoteric Archives) |
03/03 |
Between Eros and Anteros: The Teachings of Iamblichus
Article on the Theurgic Neoplatonist par excellence. |
(L. George) |
03/03 |
Pausanius, Itinerary of Greece
(Greek & English) Trans. W.H.S. Jones & H.A. Ormerod |
(Perseus Project) |
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03/03 |
Sallustius, On Gods and the World
Trans. G. Murray |
(Hellene Pagan) |
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03/03 |
Marcus Aurelius, The Meditations
Trans. G. Long |
(Internet Classics Archive, MIT) |
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03/03 |
About the Chaldæan Oracles |
(Secreta Secretorum) |
03/03 |
Text of the Chaldæan Oracles
The Westcott Translation |
(Internet Saced Texts Archive) |
03/03 |
The Julian Society
A non-denominational religious order dedicated to the advancement of Pagan religion. |
(Julian Society) |
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03/03 |
HMEPA; Hellenic Month Established Per Athens
Athenian calendar adapted for modern use, showing month dates through the 33rd century CE; that will do for my needs :-). This calendar is the Athenian calendar, updated to be a calendar for the modern world. It follows the spirit of the ideal calendar, being lunisolar and based on the visibility of the crescent. But it compromises by using a calculation and by basing it on visibility not at Athens itself, but with adjustment so that the visibility somewhere in the populated world is the criterion. |
03/03 |
The Ancient World Web |
(J. Hayden) |
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03/03 |
Internet Ancient History Sourcebook
Thanks to Agave for this link. |
Internet History Sourcebooks (Fordham) |
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03/03 |
Greek and Latin Language Resources
An excellent collection of resource at The Stele |
(J. Opsopaus) |
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03/03 |
MYTHMEDIA: Mythology in Western Art
Gallery of images of the Greek Deities, compiled at the Library of the university of Haifa. Unfortunately for most of us, access to this wonderful site has been restricted for copyright reasons. |
(O. Zehavi & S. Klinger) |
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03/03 |