Gnostic Reading List
Compiled by the Hermetic Fellowship. |
(Hermetic Fellowship) |
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05/96 |
The Gnosis Archive
The Gnosis Archive, www.gnosis.org, offers a vast collection of primary texts and resources relating to Gnosticism and the Gnostic Tradition, both ancient and modern. |
(gnosis.org; L. Owens & T. Leavitt) |
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12/01 |
Gnostic Society Library
The Gnostic Society Library contains a vast collection of primary documents relating to the Gnostic tradition as well as a selection of in-depth audio lectures and brief archive notes designed to orient study of the documents, their sources, and the religious tradition they represent. |
(gnosis.org) |
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12/01 |
Nag Hammadi Library
The Nag Hammadi Library, a collection of thirteen ancient codices containing over fifty texts, was discovered in upper Egypt in 1945. This immensely important discovery includes a large number of primary Gnostic scriptures -- texts once thought to have been entirely destroyed during the early Christian struggle to define "orthodoxy" -- scriptures such as the Gospel of Thomas, the Gospel of Philip, and the Gospel of Truth. |
(gnosis.org) |
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The Gnostic Society
Los Angeles, Portland, Salt Lake City. Established in America in 1928, The Gnostic Society is dedicated to advancing the study, understanding, and individual experience of Gnosis. "He who has ears, let him hear!" . |
(GS) |
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12/01 |
The Gnostic Society in the Kingdom of Norway
The brief history of this Society goes back to 1994 when I founded a forum named Societas Gnostica Norvegia, since 1999 it has functioned under the name The Gnostic Society in the Kingdom of Norway - to affirm the distinct identity and origin of our endeavour.
We are not an affiliation for the Gnostic Society in Hollywood,Los Angeles, except for our sharing an aspiratio rowards a greater Understanding of "gnosticism",the ancient gnostic traditions and the relevance of the Gnosis as a universal necessity for contemporary humankind. Founded and maintained byTerje Dahl Bergersen. |
(SGN) |
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12/01 |
Ecclesia Gnostica
Los Angeles, Portland, Seattle, Salt Lake City. The church bearing this name is the oldest public Gnostic sacramental body in the United States. It was organized as the Pre-Nicene Gnostic Catholic Church at first in England and since 1959 in the United States by the late Bishop Richard, Duc de Palatine. After the demise of the Duc de Palatine in the 1970's, the Church he established in America continued its work under the name Ecclesia Gnostica. The Regionary Bishop of the church is Dr. Stephan A. Hoeller, who was consecrated to that office by the Duc de Palatine in 1967. Dr. Hoeller is thus the senior holder of what is sometimes called the English Gnostic Transmission in America. (There are no other bishops living in the USA who were consecrated by the Duc de Palatine.) The Ecclesia Gnostica exists for the purpose of upholding the Gnostic tradition and to administer the holy sacraments to those of God's people who are attracted to the altars of the Gnosis. |
(EG) |
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Queen of Heaven Gnostic Church
Portland, OR. Sunday Morning Eucharist. Every Sunday Morning at 11 AM. Sunday services are conducted by Rev. Steven Marshall. For more information and address, contact Rev. Marshall at (503) 233-0854. |
(EG) |
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Ecclesia Gnostica Norvegia
Dual Norwegian/English language site, maintained by Terje Dahl Bergersen. |
(EGN) |
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Church of Gnosis Ecclesia Gnostica Mysteriorum
Palo Alto, CA. The Church was established in 1978. In 1983 it began operating under the present name, Ecclesia Gnostica Mysteriorum and it is not associated with any other church or institution. Its teachings are free of doctrine, theology, or dogma ; mythology and allegory being rather the means to communicate at a level beyond the concrete, linear thinking of concepts and casuality.The Church is not Christian in the traditional manner, even though a Christ-Mary Magdalene or Logos-Sophia mythos is central to its rituals.The Gnostic writings found in Nag Hammadi in 1945 figure prominently in the myths and rituals of the church as well as the mythology of the Mary Magdalene Order and others. The Church teachings reject the conditioning handed down through generations in all its coercive aspects and promote absolute psychological freedom, without which wholeness cannot exist. In wholeness, gnosis lives eternally. |
(EGM) |
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12/01 |
The Pearl
As Gnostics, we are dedicated to the search for Divine knowledge. This Divine knowledge, or Gnosis, is known in certain myths as the Pearl. Once we have found the Pearl, our minds will be open to understanding our true natures, the reality of this world, and our divine potential. The Pearl can also show us that change is possible and that we do not need to live in this world subject to negative forces but we can fill our lives with power and peace.Ultimately, the Pearl will open even more realms of knowledge and light beyond our imaginations. |
(Church of the Pearl) |
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12/01 |
Questions and Answers about Gnostic Christianity
Gnostic Q&A from the Church of the Pearl. |
(Church of the Pearl) |
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12/01 |
Lectorium Rosicrucianum
The Lectorium Rosicrucianum is a modern organization in the sense that its message is adapted to the strongly individualized consciousness of twentieth and twenty-first century humanity. However, it has deep roots in the past, for it is part of the long and ancient tradition of Mystery Schools, and is a development of earlier impulses of spiritual awakening such as those of the gnostics, Albigenses, Cathars and classical Rosicrucians of the 17th century. |
(Lectorium Rosicrucianum) |
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12/01 |
History of the Gnostic Catholic Church
History of the French Gnostic Catholic Church, and of the Thelemeic Gnostic Catholic Church. By T. Apiryon. Copyright © 1995 OTO. |
(Basilica of Sabazius, OTO) |
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Ecclesia Gnostica Catholica
Historical background on the Gnostic Catholic Church. On Koenigs The OTO Phenomenon website. |
(Peter-R. Koenig) |
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The Structure and Liturgy of the French Gnostic Church of Jules Doinel
by T. Apiryon. Copyright © 1995 OTO. |
(Basilica of Sabazius, OTO) |
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Rituals of the Ecclesia Gnostica Catholica
By Crowley and others. |
(Basilica of Sabazius, OTO) |
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12/01 |
J.S. Doinel: La Gnose de Valentin (1890)
On Koenigs The OTO Phenomenon website. |
(Peter-R. Koenig) |
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12/01 |
J.S. Doinel: Rituel de la Fraction du Pain
On Koenigs The OTO Phenomenon website. |
(Peter-R. Koenig) |
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12/01 |
Fabres des Essarts: Conciliation Gnostique (1895)
On Koenigs The OTO Phenomenon website. |
(Peter-R. Koenig) |
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12/01 |
Joanny Bricaud: Profession de Foi (1908)
On Koenigs The OTO Phenomenon website. |
(Peter-R. Koenig) |
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12/01 |
Joanny Bricaud: Église Gnostique Universelle
On Koenigs The OTO Phenomenon website. |
(Peter-R. Koenig) |
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12/01 |
Theodor Reuss: The Gnostic Neo-Christians O.T.O. (1920)
On Koenigs The OTO Phenomenon website. |
(Peter-R. Koenig) |
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12/01 |
Stranded Bishops
On Koenigs The OTO Phenomenon website. |
(Peter-R. Koenig) |
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12/01 |
Septem Sermones ad Mortuos: The Seven Sermons to the Dead
by C.G. Jung (Basilides) (1916). |
(Church of Gnostic Luminism) |
12/01 |
Elaine Pagels Interview
The Beatrice interview by Ron Hogan (1996). |
(Beatrice) |
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12/01 |
The Gospel of Thomas Home Page
An exceptional collection of resources for the study of the Gospel of Thomas. |
(S. Davies) |
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12/01 |
The Oracles of Thomas
"There are texts in the world analogous to the Gospel of Thomas. They share its genre and gattung, they serve the same purpose. They are texts from the ancient world contemporary to Thomas, and texts from ancient (and modern) China, and texts from ancient (and modern) Nigeria, and others. All are randomly organized. None convey specific ideological programs. None communicate a coherent ideology. All are used and valued in their respective cultures.
The texts analogous to the Gospel of Thomas are texts used in the ancient world and elsewhere for the purpose of random oracular divination. The Gospel of Thomas is a list of oracles to be used in divination." |
(S. Davies) |
12/01 |
Grondins Interlinear Translation of Gospel of Thomas
Coptic/English interlinear translation with appendices, translators notes, etc. |
(M.W. Grondin) |
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12/01 |
Gnostic Texts
Refrigerium Early Christian Website. Substantial collection of Gnostic and alternative early Christian texts. |
(Refrigerium) |
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12/01 |
Valentinus & the Valentinian Tradition
Valentinus was one of the most influential Gnostic Christian teachers of the second century A.D. He founded a movement which spread throughout Europe, the Middle East and North Africa. Despite persecution by the Catholic Church, the Valentinian school endured for over 600 years. Valentinus' influence persists even today. This site is dedicated to the Valentinian Gnostic tradition and features scriptures as well as articles on the teachings of the school. |
(D. Brons) |
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12/01 |
Valentinus and the Valentinians
Valentinus was the founder of Roman and Alexandrian schools of Gnosticism, an eclectic, dualistic system of religious doctrines postulating the evil origin of matter and the revelatory enlightenment, or gnosis, of an elite. Valentinus flourished 136-165 CE in Rome and Alexandria. Valentinian communities, by their expansion and long standing, provided a major challenge to 2nd and 3rd century Christian theology. |
(G. Davis) |
12/01 |
The Mysteries of Sophia
Articles · Bibliography · Scriptures · Resources · Artwork. Created by Terje Dahl Bergersen of the Societas Gnostica Norvegia. |
(SGN) |
12/01 |
The Role of the Sacred Feminine in the Gnostic Pantheon
Copyright © 1997 Sor. A.L. Hierarchies that developed in the Gnostic magical pantheons were constructed on an etiology of a fallen, corrupted cosmos. Springing from a syncretic Hellenistic culture with Platonic, Oriental, Jewish and Christian influences, these cosmologies were extremely versatile; but generally were composed of 30, 12 or 8 pairs of aeons, called syzygies. (Although these concepts are explained in various places in this article, a quick reference of commonly used Gnostic terms can be found at the end of the article.) In this essay we will be examining the relationship between the male-female figures in the magical pantheons of Gnosticism, i.e., the syzygies of the Pleroma, or the "Fullness." Special emphasis will be on the principal female figure in Gnostic mythology, Sophia, the transcendent goddess who emerges in the Hellenistic world. |
(HOGD®) |
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12/01 |
The Mystery of the Bridal Chamber in the Gospel of Philip
Copyright © 1997 Sor. A.L. One of the Gnostic texts which give us the most information about the mystical marriage is the Gospel of Philip. It reveals the bridal chamber as a sacrament: "The Lord did everything in a mystery: a baptism and a chrism, and a Eucharist and a redemption and a bridal chamber." (Philip 67:26). |
(HOGD®) |
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12/01 |
A Homily on the Descent of the Holy Sophia
Rev. Steven Marshall. The date that Gnostics celebrate as the Descent of Sophia corresponds to the traditional date for the Birth of Mary in the Church Calendar. Both of these mythic motifs relate to the coming down to earth of the feminine image of the Redeemer. The story of the descent of Sophia is the story of our own fall into matter. The story of the birth of Mary describes the role of the Holy Female Power in our own redemption and liberation. |
(EG) |
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12/01 |
Gnostic Christianity and the Myth of Sophia
An in-depth survey of early Gnostic Christianity, its teachers, its relationship to modern esoteric thought, and the religious/political environment which shaped its expression. |
(B. Stockbauer) |
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12/01 |
Sophia: The Lost Goddess
Sophia is a name given to a female entity of divinity that is not accepted by modern Christianity. She is accepted by those who believe in her as the GODDESS: being the divine counterpart of GOD in the creation of the universe. This belief in Sophia is not a defiance of the church, nor a replacement for the teachings of GOD, or his son, Jesus Christ. She is an additional Holy entity, that should at least be recognized as once being part of the hierarchy of heaven, if not still. Those who have a belief in Sophia are those who feel that something is missing from scripture as it is now. We also believe that there may actually be false teachings thriving in the dogma of the church, or at least false in that they are only half-true. The doctrine of Sophia is founded upon the knowledge of the truth. |
(J.S. Graham) |
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12/01 |
Kissing Sophia: Meditations on Goddess Spirituality
Also called Sophias Web. A poetic, contemplative Sophia site. |
(Burl B. Hall) |
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12/01 |
The Vermont Sophia Pages
This site is dedicated to the Most Holy Trinosophia, The Mother-Daughter and Holy Soul, Michael-Sophia in Nomine Christi. |
(VTSophia) |
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12/01 |
The Magdalene
Magdalene.org was started just after the Feast of Mary Magdalene: July 22, 1998. It is an effort to bring the spectrum of material and references to Mary Magdalene together in one cohesive website. The reasons for this vary: many branches of Christianity venerate Mary Magdalene, she is very important in Gnostic Christianity, and she is emerging as an important figure in other religious expression as we approach the end of the millennium. |
(magdalene.org) |
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12/01 |
A Prayer for the Revelation of the Supreme Mystery
by Vladimir Solovyev. |
(SGN) |
12/01 |
Mandæan Texts & Materials
Mandæan sourceworks. |
(SGN) |
12/01 |
Manichæan Texts & Materials
Primary and secondary Manichæan sourceworks. |
(SGN) |
12/01 |
Three Gnostics Sects
Chapter 7 of J.W. Hansons Universalism (1899). Three Gnostic sects flourished nearly simultaneously in the Second Century, all which accepted universal salvation: the Basilidians, the Valentinians, and the Carpocratians. |
(G. Jessup) |
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12/01 |
Buddhist Gnosticism, the System of Basilides
By J. Kennedy. The Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland for 1902. |
(Univ. Heidelberg) |
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12/01 |
The Waldensian Movement From Waldo to the Reformation
This paper surveys the origins and development of one of the most interesting underground movements of the pre-reformation period. They were not evangelical in doctrine, particularly in their soteriology, but they had important connections to later reform movements. Specifically, they earned the ire of the Roman church because they translated the Bible into the vernacular of their day, and allowed lay people to read it and preach it. They formed house churches all over Europe in spite of bitter persecution, including genocidal military campaigns. Their history contains important lessons for those who would champion lay ministry today. |
(McCallum) |
12/01 |
The Uncomplicated Gnostic
by Renee Ramsey, 1947-1995.
That which is termed Gnostic, or Gnosticism, has no specific canon, or spiritual texts. Regarding the Bible, most Gnostics caution between accepting that which is authentic and that which is artificial. Various interpretations were offered and accepted: allegorical, symbolic, literal, and esoteric. Due to the multiplicity of interpretive expositions, teachings display outer fragmentation or inner cohesiveness according to sect . . . This composition will briefly, very briefly, define ten of the most number sects lumped together as Gnostic. There are many more sects though of an increasingly minor and usually more libertine influence upon the world scene. |
(Hermetic Alchemical Order of QBLH) |
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12/01 |
Western Esoteric Tradition Resources
Maintained by the Hermetic Fellowship. |
(HF) |
12/01 |
The Ancient Mysteries
Maintained on-site by the Hermetic Fellowship. |
(HF) |
12/01 |
Egyptian Resources
Maintained by the Hermetic Fellowship. |
(HF) |
12/01 |
Golden Dawn Resources
Maintained on-site by the Hermetic Fellowship. |
(HF) |
12/01 |
Gnosis Magazine
Alas, the Lumen Foundation ceased print publication of its inspired, intelligent, sane, and beautiful Gnosis magazine in 1999; a great loss to the esoteric community... However, they maintain this Web presence. |
(Lumen Foundation) |
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12/01 |
Apocalypse & Apocatastasis
The apocalypse is commonly assumed to be concerned with a vision of the end of the world . . . Whereas.. in fact.. it's not. The vision the biblical prophets had was a vision of the end of this system of things . . the end to a world governed by . . . cruelty . . inquity . . injustice . . beligerence . . ignorance . . and the oppression of the Spirit . . and of the Soul. The best definition of apocatastasis.. that I've come across.. is the restoration of balance that returns a person.. place.. thing.. or condition.. back to its original pure state.
The purpose of this site is to research.. examine and discuss just how we can achieve this. |
(Accelerator) |
12/01 |
The Gnostic Center
Part of the Samael Aun Weor sect. The Gnostic Center of Los Angeles is part of a worldwide network of centers which are devoted to making Gnosis available to all of humanitys. |
(Gnostic Center of Los Angeles) |
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12/01 |
Gnostic Pagan Religion/New Aeon Socialist Movement
- Magickal Formula for the New Aeon -
"GNOSTIC PAGAN RELIGION & PAN-PSYCHIC MATERIALISM"© is a manual of modern magick and the definitive founding document of The Gnostic Pagan Tradition, representing a cultural fusion of psychic integration. Partially based on ancient Occult & Gnostic traditions re-formulated by the brilliantly flawed metaphysician Aleister Crowley--and further developed with contributions from Historical Materialism (Scientific Socialism), TransPhysics, Jungian Psychology, and Neo-Paganism--Gnostic Pagan Religion & Pan-Psychic Materialism--advocates a liberating world-view, celebrating an exciting individual & collective vision of The Great Work. |
(Gnostic Communications) |
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12/01 |
Nazarene Nirvana
Explore the links between pre-Nicene Christianity and Eastern religions, the Gnostic character of original Christianity, interpretative essays on the founding of Christianity, some alternative interpretations of scripture, and other miscellaneous thoughts of a spiritual nature. These thoughts are mostly the archived posts originally posted by phillipdavid in Slate magazine's original reader forum, The Fray. I am working now to consolidate these thoughts into some larger, more cohesive essays--completed ones are listed at the end of page. |
(P. David) |
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12/01 |
The Black Opal Pages of Gnosticism
A Thelemites Gnostic site. |
(L.F. Watters) |
12/01 |
The Mysteries of Gnosticism:
Early Christian Afterlife Writings
In December 1945, Gnostic books containing many secrets of the early Christian religion were found near the town of Nag Hammadi in upper Egypt. Undisturbed since their concealment almost two thousand years ago, these manuscripts from Gnosticism rank in importance with the Dead Sea Scrolls. Brian A. Bain, M.A., says: "Long considered to be heretical, ancient Gnostic Christian texts unearthed this century display compelling similarities between Gnostic conceptions of life and death and modern near-death experiences. The Gnostic texts devoted extensive tracts to what readers could expect to encounter when they died. Other passages make numerous allusions to nde-like experiences that can be realized in this life, most notably the human encounter with a Divine Light. The Gnostic Christian literature gives us one more example of near-death experiences and similar experiences in the ancient world.". |
(NDEs & the Afterlife) |
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12/01 |
Abraxas, A Gnostic Pantheos
A symbolic print from Manly Palmer halls Secret Teachings of All Ages. Artist Augustus Knapp.
The name Abraxas, coined by Basilides, the Egyptian Gnostic, is a word symbol consisting of seven letters which signify the seven creative powers or planetary angels recognized by the ancients . . . . The above plate is the enlargement and amplification of a Gnostic jewel, the original stone being only a trifle over an inch in height. Rings and other articles of jewelry set with Gnostic gems were undoubtedly used by members of the cult as means of identification. As the order was a secret society, the designs were small and inconspicuous. |
(Philosophical Research Society) |
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12/01 |
Center for Marcionite Research
Studies devoted to the subject of the so-called heretic, Marcion of Sinope (70 C.E.-150 C.E.), the compiler and publisher of the earliest known New Testament canon. |
(CMR) |
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Marcionite Library
A collection of texts relating to Marcion. |
(CMR) |
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12/01 |
A new work of Thought concerning the Synthesis Religion, Science, Magic, and Technology. |
(J.S. Graham) |
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12/01 |
Tom Raglands Gnostic World
Centuries of Notes. Earth History of Philosophical Ideas
All glories to Our Lord and Our Lady. Before us lies the forbidden fruit, which human minds have contemplated, human words preserve, human history has built upon, human wars have been fought over, and human cultures have been built upon. Apologies to those who have lived with a box over their heads for so long that they have never considered the many traditions not included in their tiny books. . . . The freethinking of humanity will one day be our salvation. |
(Gnostic Tom) |
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12/01 |
General Conference Cathar Church
The General Conference Cathar Church is a nondenominational, noncreedal, 25,000 member house-church movement. A diasporal descendant from surviving remnants of the medieval Inquisition 800 years ago, Cathars today seek to build substantive unity among the People of GOD as commanded by Jesus Christ. Its mission in North America and globally is to reflect and proclaim the transforming love of GOD as revealed in Jesus Christ, discovered in knowledge, affirmed in the Scriptures. We are empowered by the Holy Spirit to serve GOD in the world. |
(GCCC) |
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12/01 |
Bogomils Gnostic Corner
In medieval Bosnia appeared a gnostic movement known as Bogomilism. They called themselves only "Christians" or "Krstjani" (in the Croatian language). |
(Bogomil) |
12/01 |
Defunct Links |
Apostolic Gnosis
Journal of the Athenea Theologica, Seminary Institute of The Ecclesia Gnostica Apostolica (E.G.A.)sm U.S.A. for the Jurisdiction of the Diocese of the Midwest. |
(Ecclesia Gnostica Apostolica) |
12/01 |
A brief note on mediæval Catharism. |
(N. Brogan) |
12/01 |
A Gnostic Fire Baptism
(from Books of Jeu) Jesus... said to his disciples, "Bring me grapevines, so that you may receive the baptism of fire." And the disciples brought him the grapevines. He offered up incense. He sent up juniper berries and myrrh, along with frankincense, mastic, nard, cassia flowers, turpentine, and oil of myrrh. And he also spread a linen cloth on the place of offering, and set upon it a chalice of wine, and set loaves of bread upon it according to the number of the disciples . . . . |
(C. Miller, House Shadowdrake) |
12/01 |
Gnostic Web
What you will find is a conversational exegesis on my Gnostic ideas and beleifs and my explanations regarding these. |
(B. Bannister) |
12/01 |
Cathar Church of Canada |
(CCC) |
03/01 |
The Gnosis Site |
(J.H. Jensen) |
03/01 |
Gnostics & Naqshbandi Sufis |
(J. Kelly) |
03/01 |
Keats Gnostic Vision of Soul-Making
Maureen B. Roberts. |
(C.G. Jung Page) |
03/01 |
The Path of Gnostic Light
Master Leo & Michael Bertiaux. |
03/01 |