Golden Dawn Bibliography
Maintained on-site by the Hermetic Fellowship.
No website can provide one with adequate information about so complex a topic as the Golden Dawn. Also, an impartial observer might suspect that a few of the websites relating to the topic of the Golden Dawn, like some of those relating to Rosicrucianism, are so interested in promoting their own agendas or even soliciting customers that one might reasonably mistrust the information they offer. The best advice to the student who wishes to begin to understand the Golden Dawn, its teachings, and its vast influence on the modern Western Esoteric Tradition is to start by reading, reading, reading omnivorously. |
(Hermetic Fellowship) |
On-Site |
03/01 |
Israel Regardie, The Golden Dawn
This is the classic Golden Dawn text, first published in 1937, which for decades has been the yardstick against which all forms of Ceremonial Magic have been measured. The original account of the teachings, rites, and ceremonies of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn as revealed by Israel Regardie. |
(HOGD®) |
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03/01 |
Cicero & Cicero, Self-Initiation into the Golden Dawn Tradition
Regardless of your magical knowledge or background, you can learn and live the Golden Dawn Tradition with the first practical guide to Golden Dawn initiation.. |
(HF) |
On-Site |
06/96 |
S.L. MacGregor Mathers et al., Astral Projection, Ritual Magic & Alchemy
Included are instructional documents, never before published, that were circulated amongst Golden Dawn members. These documents, known as the Flying Rolls, reveal secrets of psychic perception, astral travel, ritual magic, and various alchemical processes. |
(HF) |
On-Site |
06/96 |
Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn
A non-profit Florida corporation whose goal is the continued preservation of that body of knowledge known as Hermeticism or the Western Esoteric Tradition.. |
(HOGD®) |
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03/01 |
Cicero & Cicero, Secrets of a Golden Dawn Temple
The most complete book to date on the construction of the many tools used in the Golden Dawn system of Magic. |
(HOGD®) |
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03/01 |
The Golden Dawn Journal Series
The Golden Dawn Journal is an ongoing series of books designed to reflect the Magical teachings and philosophy of the Hermetic Tradition. These books seriously explore the techniques used in Ceremonial Magic and include practical advice for the working Magician. |
(HOGD®) |
03/01 |
Cicero & Cicero (eds.), Golden Dawn Journal, Book I Divination
Never before have the works of so many eminent occultists been gathered together under one cover. |
(HF) |
On-Site |
05/96 |
Cicero & Cicero (eds.), Golden Dawn Journal, Book II Qabalah: Theory & Magic
. . . The history and evolution of the Qabalah, how it is used for spiritual growth, angel magic, investigations into the feminine energies on the Tree of Life, Sphere-workings, and much moreincluding new Qabalistic rituals for today's practicing magicians. |
(HF) |
On-Site |
05/96 |
Ithel Colquhoun, The Sword of Wisdom
.Colquhoun's idiosyncratic, gossipy conjectures and insights along with her deep sympathy with the Order and its Members still make the book a valuable resource for those interested in the Golden Dawn as a true Magical Order. |
(HF) |
On-Site |
05/96 |
Ellic Howe, The Magicians of the Golden Dawn
In spite of Howes self-impressed tone of rationalistic superiority and his obvious bias on subjective matters, he is a superb researcher of historical fact, and three decades after its first publication, this remains the most thorough history of the . . . early days of the Order. |
(HF) |
03/01 |
R.A. Gilbert, The Golden Dawn: Twilight of the Magicians
R.A. Gilbert, the foremost living writer on the history of the Golden Dawn, has written what amounts to a sequel to Howes The Magicians of the Golden Dawn. |
(HF) |
On-Site |
11/96 |
R.A. Gilbert, The Golden Dawn Companion
Gilberts excellent 1986 collection of Golden Dawn source material. |
(HF) |
On-Site |
03/01 |
R.A. Gilbert, The Golden Dawn Scrapbook
Gilbert's latest foray (1997) into the history of the Golden Dawn.. |
(HOGD®) |
03/01 |
Mary K. Greer, Women of the Golden Dawn
While the history of the G.D. is well documented and several of its male initiates have become famous, their female counterparts have received little credit. And yet, when one reads between the lines, four women stand out as the true heart and soul of this magical Order. This is the story of these four amazing women and the difference magic made in their lives. |
(M.K. Greer) |
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03/01 |
D. Küntz (ed.), The Golden Dawn Studies Series
An important series of books and booklets with sourcetexts and articles by and about the members of the fin de siècle Golden Dawn and their occult peers. Compiled and edited by Darcy Küntz, published by Holmes Publishing Co. |
(HOGD®) |
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03/01 |
D. Küntz (ed.), The Complete Golden Dawn Cipher Manuscript
Presented for the first time is a complete facsimile and translation of the Cipher Manuscript, the foundation for the Golden Dawn's initiation ceremonies. |
(HOGD®) |
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03/01 |
A Golden Dawn FAQ
Version 5.0 (Oct. 1998) of Stephen Cranmers venerable answers-to- frequently-asked-Golden-Dawn-questions. Hosted by Mitch Henson. |
(S. Cranmer) |
03/01 |
PAALs Golden Dawn Information & Hermetic Resource Page
A collection of Golden Dawn and related Hermetic and Magical resources maintained by Mitch Henson. |
(M. Henson) |
03/01 |
Sanctum Sanctorum Golden Dawn Resources
A resource center for the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, as well as the Art of hermes in general. |
(PAL) |
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03/01 |
J.W. Brodie-Innes, MacGregor Mathers: Some Personal Reminiscences
A kind and loyal obituary of Mathers by Brodie-Innes. |
(The Star Goddess) |
03/01 |
Israel Regardie: A Biographical Sketch
A brief biography of the man in very many ways most responsible for the survival of the Golden Dawn and its teachings. |
(HOGD®) |
03/01 |
Regardie: The Art & Meaning of Magic
The complete text of Regardies 1969 work online. |
(D. Burdette) |
03/01 |
A.E. Waite
An attractive and interesting website devoted to the life and works of Waite, V.H. Fra. Sacramentum Regis in the Golden Dawn. |
(adepti.com) |
03/01 |
The Golden Dawn in Yeats Scholarship: A Bibliography
Steven Cranmers 1997 bibliography.. |
(S. Cranmer) |
03/01 |
Mystical Aspect of Yeats Poems & Life
An article by a Czech student.. |
(J. Sila) |
03/01 |
Order of the Twilight Star
Site dedicated to Arthur Machen, a writer of very interesting esoteric and horror fiction, a friend of Waite, and a very peripheral Golden Dawn member. |
(R.T. Gault) |
03/01 |
Sanctuary of the Divine Messenger
An outer vehicle of the Sacred Order of the Golden Rose.
The world needs more people who are not at odds with themselves and we believe, and our expierience confirms that thru Initiation, Study,
Prayer and Daily Ritual Work, this end may be realized. |
(SDM) |
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03/01 |
The Golden Dawn Library Project
A collective effort to see the entire corpus of materials deriving from the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn . . . available online. |
(A.Billings) |
03/01 |
Rosicrucian Resources
Maintained on-site by the Hermetic Fellowship. The Golden Dawn derives from the Rosicrucian Tradition, with its Inner Order of the Rose of Ruby and the Cross of Gold. |
(HF) |
03/01 |
Western Mystery Tradition Resources
Maintained on-site by the Hermetic Fellowship. The larger context within which the Golden Dawn and Rosicrucianism exist. |
(HF) |
03/01 |
Hermetic Order Of The Morning Star, International
Formerly known as Golden Dawn International, Eternal Golden Dawn, etc. |
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03/01 |
Templo L.V.X. Thot
de la Orden Hermetica de la Golden Dawn (in Argentina, S.A.). |
(Aurora Dorada) |
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03/01 |
Oxford Golden Dawn Occult Society
Actually an impressive Thelemic organization, rather than an actual G:.D:. group, in spite of the name. |
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03/01 |
Ra Horakhty Golden Dawn Home Page |
(AIO) |
09/99 |
Golden Dawn International |
(GDI) |
09/99 |