2012 Hermetic Society Schedule
21 JanuaryIsidora Forrest: Ritual, A Rite of Offering to Hermês & the Nymphs
In keeping with the current theme of ancient Greek religion, Isidora Forrest has created a ritual honoring the God hermês and the nurturing and inspiring Goddesses known as the Nymphs, in which we will participate this month. (Note that this is a Saturday rather than our usual third Thursday date.)

16 February Neal Hevel: Lecture, The Theurgy of Iamblichus

Neal Hevel will introduce us to the crucially important Neo-Platonic philosopher and Theurgist known to his contemporaries as "The Divine Iamblichus."

15 March Stephanie Ezat-Panah: Lecture, Aristotle

Stephanie's presentation will give us an overview of the thought of one of the most influential philosophers of all time.

19 April Adam Forrest: Slide Presentation, The Pagan Angels of Late Antiquity

Beginning with an Oracle of Apollo from his presentation last December, Adam will take us on a tour of the place of Angels in the worldview of Hellenistic Pagan religion in the early centuries of the Common Era.

17 May Marlèn Conrad: Slide Presentation, Archetypal Imagery in Jung's Red Book

Marlèn will share her deep familiarity with the psychological insights of Carl Gustav Jung to help us find our own way into the depths of the rich and beautiful imagery at last made accessible with the publication of his Red Book.

28 June Scott Rassbach: Presentation, Greek Monasticism & Hesychasm

The Current Greek Religion series is wrapping up with Scott Rassbach's presentation on Hesychasm, Greek Monasticism, and Esoteric Connections. When we in America think of Christianity, we often think of fundamentalist preachers talking about how you're going to hell if you don't toe the line. But there is a much older, ascetic tradition that has more in common with yoga, Egyptian mysticism, and Neo-platonic cosmology. We'll cover a little geography, a little sexism, Neoplatonism, Sufism, Yoga, the Devil, mysticism, transcendence, and a conception of God and salvation that is quite different from what we usually hear about in the West. (Note that this is the fourth rather than our usual third Thursday date, to avoid Solstice conflicts.)

19 July Presentation, Introduction to Hermetic Qabbalah

Precís to follow.

16 AugustIsidora Forrest: Presentation, The Goddess in Qabbalah

Precís to follow.

13 SeptemberTravis Apollonius: Presentation, The Five-Part Soul in Qabbalah

Precís to follow. (Note that this is the second rather than our usual third Thursday date, to avoid Equinoctial conflicts.)

October Invitation-Only Event

15 NovemberJulie Casto: Presentation, The End of the World as We Know It

Mark your Calendar Stone now so you don't miss this timely event. Precis to follow.

20 December TBA

To be announced... |
A Representative Selection of Past
Hermetic Society Presentations
Adam Forrest: Workshop, Olympic Planetary Magic (1988) |
Steven Marshall: Lecture, The Grail and the Tree of Life (1989) |
Joseph Wolf: Lecture, An Introduction to The Chaldæan Oracles (1990) |
Isidora Forrest: Lecture, Minoan Religion (1990) |
Sandra Tabatha Cicero: Slide Lecture, The New Golden Dawn Tarot (1992) |
Panel Discussion, Paganism and Occultism in the Renaissance (1992) |
Ross Taylor: Lecture, The Sepher Yetzirah (1992) |
Isidora Forrest: Lecture, The Greek Magical Papyri (1993) |
Paul Bingman: Lecture, Giordano Bruno (1993) |
Adam Forrest: Lecture, Angels in the Hermetic Qabalah (1994) |
Linda Dies: Lecture, The Black Madonnas: The Origin of Mary in the Ancient Goddesses (1994) |
Adam Forrest: Lecture, Vagabonds of the Spirit: Benandanti, Witches, & Astral Travel (1995) |
Isidora Forrest: Lecture & Demonstration, Maenads & Maenadic Dance (1995) |
John & Laura Obendorfer: Slide Presentation, The Hermetic Tour of Greece (1995) |
Lorain Karol: Slide Lecture, The Labyrinth (1996) |
Steven Marshall: Lecture, Laboratory Alchemy (1996) |
Isidora Forrest: Slide Lecture, Symbolist Art and the Occult Revival (1996) |
Ross Taylor: Lecture, Sacred Geometry (1996) |
Linda Dies: Slide Lecture, The Dark Goddess in Renaissance Art (1996) |
Nestor Perala: Lecture, Insights into Tarot (1997) |
Bob Fountain: Lecture, The Qabalistic Cube of Space (1997) |
Jay Buckingham: Lecture, Neurological Effects of Ritual and Meditation (1998) |
Portland Art Museum, Hermetic Society Group Tour of the Egyptian Antiquities Exhibit (1998) |
Joseph Wolf: Lecture, Abramelin and Honorius: Two Theurgic Grimoires (1998) |
Isidora Forrest: Slide Lecture, The Goddess and the Golden Dawn (1998) |
An Archive of Previous Years
Hermetic Society Calendars

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