Hermetic Fellowship
Portland, OR. The Hermetic Fellowship was formally established in 1995 (though some of the individual programs incorporated into the Fellowship had been operating for many years previously) as an organization for seekers interested in a broad range of spiritual paths within the Western Esoteric Tradition. These paths include, but are not limited to, the Ancient Mystery Religions, Qabalah, Theurgy, Neo-Paganism and Wicca, Rosicrucianism, Gnosticism, Alchemy, and the Grail Quest. |
(HF) |
03/01 |
Hermetic Society
Portland, OR. Now in its 13th year of continuous operation, the Hermetic Society is the Hermetic Fellowships lecture and discussion group exploring a broad range of topics in the Western Esoteric Tradition, meeting monthly in Portland since 1988. |
(HF) |
03/01 |
Open Ways
The Portland Metro areas Pagan community newsletter, with an excellent community groups directory and events calendar. The best print source for Portland area events. |
(9 Houses) |
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03/01 |
The Nine Houses of Gaia
A non-profit organization promoting interest in Earth-based religions, both past and present. We publish the Open Ways newsletter 8 times a year, and host The Northwest Fall Equinox Festival. |
(9 Houses) |
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03/01 |
PDX Pagan Directory
Portland, OR. Formerly called the Portland Pagan Pages. |
(Lyceum of the Trees) |
03/01 |
Ffynnon Rhiannon
Portland & Vernonia, OR. Ffynnon Rhiannon is a 52 acre site in the Oregon Coast Range. We are making it available to the Pagan Community for sacred uses such as gatherings, nature study, and the careful harvesting of plants and herbs. |
(Amity House) |
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03/01 |
Northwest Fall Equinox Festival
The Portland area's oldest annual Pagan festival. This year on Sep 20-23, 2001. |
(9 Houses) |
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03/01 |
A Portland area Summer Pagan Festival, hosted by the Primitive Celtic Church. This year on July 20-23, 2001. |
(Primitive Celtic Church) |
03/01 |
Portland, OR. A women's spirituality organization honoring the Divine Feminine and celebrating Goddess in all Her forms. |
(SisterSpirit) |
03/01 |
Portland Reclaiming!
Portland, OR. The home of Portland's Reclaiming Tradition Witches. Formerly the website location for Strand by Strand Collective. |
(Portland Reclaiming!) |
03/01 |
Lyceum of the Trees
Portland, OR. An educational coven composed of three circles: a core who are responsible for the legal duties of the coven, an inner circle of those who belong to the coven as members and attend regular meetings, and the outer circle, which is completely open. |
(Lyceum of the Trees) |
03/01 |
Queen of Heaven Gnostic Church
Portland, OR. Rev. Steven Marshalls church is affiliated with the Ecclesia Gnostica of Bishop Stephen Hoeller. Eucharist every Sunday morning. |
(Ecclesia Gnostica) |
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03/01 |
BOTA Northwest Region
Builders of the Adytum. The NW Region Page lists a Portland Study Group, a Seattle Study Group, and a Seattle Pronaos. |
(BOTA) |
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03/01 |
Primitive Celtic Church
Vancouver, WA. Exists to foster the understanding and growth of Druidism, and to promote the ideals of spiritual ecology and personal responsibility, sponsor Summerstar Pagan Festival, publish Dragonheart, A Metamorphic Journal, promote both public and private obersvances of the High Days, participate and write experimental ritual, and assist with rites of passage. |
(PCC) |
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03/01 |
The Goddess Gallery
Portland, OR. A wonderful shop, and an important contact point for the Portland Pagan and Magical community. |
(GG) |
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03/01 |
Ancient Egypt Studies Association
Portland, OR. AESA promotes the study and understanding of ancient Egypt in the Pacific Northwest, U.S.A.. |
(AESA) |
03/01 |
Ancient Egypt Studies Association Events Calendar
Portland, OR. All lectures are either cosponsored by AESA and the Middle Eastern Studies Center of Portland State University. |
(AESA) |
03/01 |
Gayer-Anderson Scarab Collection
Portland, OR. In the Portland Art Museum. |
(J.T. Sarr) |
03/01 |
Oregon Tribe, Spiral Scouts
SpiralScouts was created by the ATC as their answer to other scouting programs. Although Pagan-based, it is open to children of all religious backgrounds. From preschoolers to teenagers, SpiralScouts will teach girls and boys not only Pagan beliefs and values, but also responsibility, environmental awareness, respect and tolerance of others, appreciation of nature and the outdoors, and much, much more. |
(Spiral Scouts) |
03/01 |
Mnemosyne Sacred Drama Guild
Portland, OR.We are a group of enthusiastic amateurs who, since 1994, have produced an annual dramatic event as a benefit for the restoration of the Stonehenge Monument near Goldendale, Washington. |
(MSDG) |
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03/01 |
Sophia Center
Mission Statement: To provide a safe and affirming environment for women and men to explore the journey of feminine consciousness through spirituality and creativity; thus, transforming work, family, community and the sacred dimension of their lives.. |
(Sophia Center) |
03/01 |
Bavarian Illuminati Motorcycle Club & Conspiracy
...is a Collective of Free Individuals,and claims no affiliation with any national, regional,or political bodies or organizations, nor do we acknowledge any authority other than the Higher Self! |
(BIMC) |
03/01 |
An Ceangal Mara Foundation
Eugene, OR. A registered non-profit entirely volunteer foundation. Our mission statement is: To Study, Honor and Celebrate the Celt, Making our Accomplishments, Ways and Conditions Known. |
(ACMF) |
03/01 |
Seattles Pagan community newsletter, published 8 times a year. |
(Widdershins) |
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03/01 |
Puget Sound Pagan Community Resources
Seattle area resources directory maintained by Widdershins. |
(Widdershins) |
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03/01 |
OLOTEASs Seattle Resource Page
Another directory, maintained by Our Lady of the Earth and Sea. |
03/01 |
Calendar of Seattle-Area Pagan and Magical Events |
(A. Yakely) |
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03/01 |
Aquarian Tabernacle Church
Index, WA. The ATC was formed in 1979 by Pete Pathfinder Davis as a coven dedicated to providing religious services and support to the larger Wiccan community. The ATC was "the right idea at the right time," and in a few years grew into the first Wiccan church with full legal status and recognition by the governments of three nations. |
(ATC) |
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03/01 |
Our Lady Of The Earth And Sky
Seattle, WA. A non-Denominational Pagan Church, offers monthly public rituals and free classes several times per year. |
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Seattle Pagan Scholars
Exceptional, high quality occasional meetings. |
(Brandy Williams) |
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PNW Pagans
A Yahoo! Club. A Regional Network for the Pacific Northwest. |
(pnwpagans) |
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Pacific NW Pagans Home Page
Home Page supporting the Tahoo! Club above. |
(Llyieth Emeraldmoon) |
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03/01 |
Astrology et al Book Store & Metaphysical Center
Owned by Maggie Nalbandian and her son, Gregory Nalbandian. Astrology et al is one of the largest Astrological & Metaphysical Bookstores in the U.S. April 8th, 2000 was our 25th Anniversary. |
(Astrology et al) |
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03/01 |
Magickal Gardaen
Amazing stores in Everett, WA, and Bellingham, WA.
Magic in the malls! |
(Magical Gardaen) |
03/01 |
Lyceum of Stella Maris
Bellingham, WA. A Lyceum of the Fellowship of Isis. |
(Stella Maris) |
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03/01 |
Vortex Camp OTO
Tacoma, WA. |
(Vortex Camp) |
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03/01 |
Witches, Wiccans, and Pagans in Oregon
A directory provided by the amazing Witches Voice |
(WitchVox) |
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03/01 |
Witches, Wiccans, and Pagans in Washington
A directory provided by the amazing Witches Voice |
(WitchVox) |
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03/01 |
Pagan Profiles: Oregon
Another regional Pagan directory |
(Pagan Profiles) |
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03/01 |
Pagan Profiles: Washington
Another regional Pagan directory |
(Pagan Profiles) |
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03/01 |
Seattle, WA. |
(Al Billings) |
11/99 |
Grove of the Emerald Rose
Portland, OR. |
(GER) |
03/01 |
M.A.G.I.C. Meetings
Vancouver, WA. |
(M.A.G.I.C.) |
03/01 |
Pagan Life Webzine |
(T. Gilmer) |
03/01 |
Reed Pagan Circle
Reed College, Portland, OR. |
(E. Mattson) |
11/99 |
Women In Conscious Creative Action
Eugene, OR. |
(W.I.C.C.A.) |
03/01 |