Wiccan Reading List
Under development by the Hermetic Fellowship. |
(Hermetic Fellowship) |
Wiccan Children & Youth Bibliography and Bookstore |
(COG) |
03/01 |
Pagan Resources
Maintained on-site by the Hermetic Fellowship. |
(HF) |
03/01 |
The Witches Voice
Those who walk in Love and Truth shall grow in Honor and Strength.
Probably the best single all-around Wiccan site on the Web. |
(Witchvox) |
03/01 |
Covenant of the Goddess
Welcome to the NEW CoGWeb, the WWW home page of the Covenant of the Goddess, an international organization of cooperating, autonomous Wiccan congregations and solitary practitioners.
Here, you'll find information about the COG organization and activities, as well as the religious beliefs and practices which comprise Wicca. |
(COG) |
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03/01 |
Witchcraft FAQs
The Witches Voice version of the best answers to common questions about Wicca and Witchcraft. By Wren and C.P.N. |
(Witchvox) |
03/01 |
Witchcraft FAQ
COGs version of the best answers to common questions about Wicca and Witchcraft. |
(COG) |
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03/01 |
Another general Wiccan Web resource. |
(Botteronet) |
03/01 |
Welcome to Reclaiming a Community of people, a Tradition of Witchcraft, and a religious organization. Reclaiming is a community of women and men working to unify spirit and politics. Our vision is rooted in the religion and magic of the Goddess the Immanent Life Force. We see our work as teaching and making magic the art of empowering ourselves and each other. In our classes, workshops, and public rituals, we train our voices, bodies, energy, intuition, and minds. We use the skills we learn to deepen our strength, both as individuals and as community, to voice our concerns about the world in which we live, and bring to birth a vision of a new culture. |
(Reclaiming) |
03/01 |
Starhawks Home Page
The website of Starhawk, the author of The Spiral Dance, The Fifth Sacred Thing, and other books that link an earth- based spirituality to action to change the world. Here you'll find information about my books, my current and past activities, many of my articles and unpublished writings, links to related groups and organizations, and resources for activists. |
(Starhawk) |
03/01 |
Gardnerian Book of Shadows
This is the text of the 'C' version of the Gardnerian Book of Shadows. The Gardnerian Book of Shadows established the key rituals of modern Wicca. This book, and variations on it, was passed from hand to hand until it was published on the Internet in the early 1990s. There are several versions of this text available on the Internet; this version is apparently closest to the original document. Reputedly this text was handed down from one generation of traditional English witches to the next; however, it is fairly certain from internal textual evidence that it was written by Gerald Gardner shortly after World War II, based on influences such as Murray, Robert Graves, Crowley, the Golden Dawn, Strega, Tantric Yoga and others. |
(Sacred Texts) |
03/01 |
Charles Leland, Aradia The Gospel of the Witches (1899)
This book describes Strega, or Italian traditional witchcraft. It is one of the historical source documents of the Wicca movement. Some contemporary scholars have questioned the authenticity of this book. Recent publications by Raven Grimassi have also added a great deal of depth to the subject of Italian witchcraft. See [BOS 445] for more information.. |
(Sacred Texts) |
03/01 |
Margaret Murray, The Witch Cult in Western Europe (1921)
The Witch-Cult in Western Europe, which appears on the Internet for the first time here at sacred-texts, is the first of several publications wherein Margaret Murray expounded her controversial literal interpretation of the Witch trial evidence. Not for the squeamish or the linguistically challenged, the book presents extensive quotes from courtroom documents and other texts describing the alledged going-ons inside the Witch-Cult. Important Note: nothing described in this book should be taken as representative of contemporary Neopagan practice. The Witch-Cult in Western Europe has long passages in archaic English, French and German with the original spelling preserved. Readers who want to get an overview of Murrays' ideas without wading through this admittedly opaque work should start with her popularization, God of the Witches. This book is in the public domain in the United States. |
(Sacred Texts) |
03/01 |
Margaret Murray, The God of the Witches (1933)
THIS book being intended for the general reader as well as for the student of anthropology the authority for each statement is not always given in the text. For the benefit of those who wish to pursue the study further there is a bibliography for each chapter at the end of the book. For a complete bibliography of English records the reader is referred to Wallace Notestein's History of Witchcraft in England (Washington, 1911). In my Witch Cult in Western Europe (Oxford University Press, 1921) the bibliography is chiefly of the British Isles, France, Belgium, and Sweden. |
(Sacred Texts) |
03/01 |
Beaufort House Index of English Traditional Witchcraft
This is a genealogical 'site index' of the English Craft Traditions (including Gardnerian, Alexandrian and the like) and their offshoots. Coven leaders are the intended audience for this index (and, indeed, for the entire Beaufort House site); the information here given is, nevertheless, of a non-initiatory and non-Oathed nature, as we have no ultimate control over the way in which this index is accessed (barring our judicious selection of cross-links to Traditional Wiccan rather than Pagan or 'Wicca/Pagan' websites). |
(Beaufort House) |
03/01 |
Salem Witch Trials
The events which led to the Witch Trials actually occurred in what is now the town of Danvers, then a parish of Salem Town, known as Salem Village. Launching the hysteria was the bizarre, seemingly inexplicable behavior of two young girls; the daughter, Betty, and the niece, Abigail Williams, of the Salem Village minister, Reverend Samuel Parris. Also, some friendly discussion of modern Witches in Salem. Hosted by the city of Salem. |
(Salemweb) |
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03/01 |
Wicca Radio Network!
Wicca Radio Network! Wicca/Celtic/Pagan music, Chants, Nature Sounds, Zen Lectures, Ritual/Meditation music, lectures, Swing/Techno music & MORE! 12 Channels ... Streaming RealAudio! |
(WRN) |
03/01 |
A Goddess Arrives: The Novels of Dion Fortune and the Development of Gardnerian Wicca
An article by Chas Clifton originally appearing in Gnosis 8, Fall 1988. |
(Chas Clifton) |
03/01 |
About Dion Fortune
A very good biographical sketch of Dion Fortune (1890-1960), author of The Sea Priestess, etc. On the Gareth Knight website. |
(R. Mazonowicz) |
03/01 |
Western Mystery Tradition
Maintained on-site by the Hermetic Fellowship. |
(HF) |
Pagan & Occult Booksellers
Directory maintained on-site by the Hermetic Fellowship. |
(HF) |
03/01 |
Other Pagan & Occult Merchants
Directory maintained on-site by the Hermetic Fellowship. |
(HF) |
03/01 |