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These pages are copyright © 1995, 1996 Hermetic Fellowship.

Last updated 1 June, 1996 CE.

The Lamentations of Isis
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"Come in, my sister, and wash your hands with the Tears of Isis which I bear in this consecrated bowl. As the tears of Isis are sacred to us, know also that your tears are sacred to Her. It is She, Isis, Who wails with us. We are purified by Her wailing. We are washed by Her tears."
Such are the words of the Priestess who greets participants for the Lamentations of Isis.
Report on the Most Recent Lamentations
This Ritual was held again at the end of last year and was powerful and cleansing for the nine women who participated in this opportunity to lament societal, personal, and spiritual wounds.


A Note from Isidora

I would love to lend this ritual to women in the community
who would like to organize a group to lament. (Please note that
this is a structured ritual. It is my position that the structure is
crucially important when dealing with something as
un structured and emotional as lamentation.)

If you are interested, talk with me at the HF number (503) 255-7910.

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For More Information
Click here to see the prospectus on the most recent Working of this ritual.
The next Working is not scheduled at this time, but watch this space for announcements. |

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