Information Regarding the HF Website
Colophon |
Last update: |
03/01 |
Site Upgrades & Additions Log |
Last update: |
12/01 |
Recommending Links for the HF Website |
Last update: |
03/01 |
Linking to the Hermetic Fellowship Website |
Last update: |
03/01 |
Information Regarding the Hermetic Fellowship
The Mission of the Hermetic Fellowship |
Posted: |
11/99 |
What is Hermeticism? |
Posted: |
09/98 |
The Hermetic Fellowship Foundation Ritual |
Posted: |
05/96 |
Updates on Selected Previous Programs of
the Alexandrine Temple of the Hermetic Fellowship
We have been happy to see a number of new faces at our Portland area activities. Please know that you are very, very welcome and we hope to see you at another event very soon. For those of you who havent made it to a Fellowship program yet, heres a quick run-down on what youve been missing! |
The Foundation Ritual |
Posted: |
05/96 |
The How To Start a Coven Workshops |
Posted: |
05/96 |
An Introduction to the Mysteries of Isis |
Posted: |
06/96 |
The Lamentations of Isis |
Posted: |
06/96 |
The Art of Ritual II |
Posted: |
08/96 |
The Melakhim Angelic Healing Circle |
Posted: |
08/97 |
Hermetic Coffeehouse IV |
Posted: |
10/99 |
The Equilibration of Jehovah |
Posted: |
05/96 |
Ongoing Programs of
the Alexandrine Temple of the Hermetic Fellowship
The Hermetic Society |
01/05 |
Currently, the Hermetic Society (now in its 16th year of continuous monthly operation) is the only semi-public activity of the Hermetic Fellowship which is ongoing on a regularly scheduled basis. |
Practical Occultism Class |
Posted: |
11/00 |
John Obendorfer is currently teaching his popular year-long Practical Occultism class for the third time. It has been underway since January 2001, and is, alas, full. |
Upcoming Programs of
the Alexandrine Temple of the Hermetic Fellowship
The Hermetic Society |
01/05 |
Currently, the Hermetic Society (now in its 16th year of continuous monthly operation) is the only semi-public activity of the Hermetic Fellowship which is ongoing on a regularly scheduled basis. |
Other Upcoming Programs |
Watch this space for announcements of upcoming classes, workshops, and rituals. |
Other Services of
the Alexandrine Temple of the Hermetic Fellowship
Hermetic Fellowship Priests and Priestesses can perform legal marriages in the states of Oregon and Washington, as well as help you with other rites of passage and specialized rituals.
One of the Hermetic Fellowship's Priests, Ross Taylor, is also engaged in volunteer service as a Wiccan chaplain for the inmates of the Oregon State Penitentiary.
If you would like to speak with one of our Priestesses or Priests, please send email with a subject line of "Hermetic Fellowship Clergy" to priesthood@hermeticfellowship.org.
Other Resources of Hermetic Interest
The following HF topical pages contain a sizable collection of links that will take you to a wide variety of locations on the Net of interest to Hermetic students. A growing number of the links on the following pages are to resources maintained locally at this website by the Hermetic Fellowship.
People who love wisdom must be acquainted with very many things indeed. :-)
Hermetic Invocations & Small Rituals |
Last Update: |
09/98 |
The Ancient Mysteries |
03/03 |
Booksellers (Occult & Metaphysical) |
10/03 |
Celtic Resources |
Last Update: |
03/01 |
Collectanea Hermetica Rediviva
The Hermetic Virtual Library |
Last Update: |
11/99 |
The Dionysion |
03/03 |
Druidic Resources |
Last Update: |
03/01 |
Egyptian Resources |
Last Update: |
03/01 |
Gnostic Resources |
Last Update: |
12/01 |
Golden Dawn Resources |
Last Update: |
03/01 |
Grail & Arthurian Resources |
Last Update: |
03/01 |
The Hermetic Virtual Library
Collectanea Hermetica Rediviva |
Last Update: |
11/99 |
Isis Magic
Isidora Forrest, one of the Founding Stewards and Priestesses of the Hermetic Fellowship (as well as a Priestess of the Fellowship of Isis), has established this Isiac website as a companion work with her new book, Isis Magic. |
Last Update: |
04/02 |
Merchants (Occult, Pagan, & Metaphysical) |
Last Update: |
03/01 |
Misc. Psychospiritual & Religious Resources |
Last Update: |
03/01 |
New Age Resources |
Last Update: |
03/01 |
Occult Resources |
Last Update: |
03/01 |
Pacific Northwest Community Resources |
Last Update: |
03/01 |
Pagan Resources |
Last Update: |
03/01 |
Qabalistic Resources |
Last Update: |
03/01 |
Rosicrucian Resources |
Last Update: |
12/01 |
Tarot & Cartomancy Resources |
Last Update: |
12/01 |
Western Mystery Tradition Resources |
Last Update: |
12/01 |
Wiccan Resources |
Last Update: |
03/01 |