Celtic Studies Bibliography
Maintained by the Celtic Studies Association of North America. |
03/01 |
Imbas Celtic Reading List |
(Imbas) |
03/01 |
Celtic Bibliography Celtic Spirituality and Archaeology
Maintained by Rowan Fairgrove. |
(Fairgrove Conjureworks) |
03/01 |
A Celtic Bibliography: Some Reading Possibilities |
(B.L. Jones) |
03/01 |
Arthurian & Celtic Bibliography |
(Ynys Witrin) |
03/01 |
Druidic Resources
Maintained by the Hermetic Fellowship |
(HF) |
03/01 |
Grail & Arthurian Resources
Maintained by the Hermetic Fellowship |
(HF) |
03/01 |
Celtic Frequently Asked Questions
The FAQ of soc.culture.celtic. |
(C. Cockburn, G. Nolan) |
03/01 |
The Encyclopaedia of the Celts
Based on quotations from literature, myth, legend, fiction and history. Site & HTML by David Wright. |
(Knud Mariboe) |
03/01 |
An online Celtic community |
(celt.net) |
03/01 |
Celtic Heart
This site is dedicated to anyone who has ever felt this...to all of you who have touched your Celtic heritage and fallen in love. |
(Celtic Heart) |
03/01 |
Imbas is an Old Irish word meaning 'poetic inspiration'. Imbas is an organization that promotes the spiritual path of Senistrognata, the ancestral customs of the Celtic peoples. It is a path open to Pagans, Christians, and Agnostics alike. |
(Imbas) |
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03/01 |
Ord Brighideach
We of Ord Brighideach have heard and have answered Her call. We are a Brighidine order of flame-keepers engaging in devotional work to Brighid. |
(OB) |
03/01 |
Inis Glas Thoir
Inis Glas Thoir is based in MD. It is a developing study group using a taped educational series of the Inis Glas Hedge School, plus material written by other Inis Glas members. The group is facilitated by John Machate, owner of this website and student of the founder of Inis Glas. |
(J. Machate) |
03/01 |
The Nemeton
The nemeton is a sacred grove, the holy precinct of the tribe. Within it, druids, poets, musicians, scholars and wise ones assemble to give reverence to the Gods and Goddesses and to learn, teach, and share their experience. This nemeton is a mailing list for Druids and other Celtic Pagans and their friends. It is a place for research, reflection, debate and discussion. |
(Nemeton) |
03/01 |
Many of PaddyNet's users first came to the site to browse The Island, our hypertext of Ireland and its mythology. But that was then, and this, well, this is now.
The Island is getting bigger. |
(PaddyNet, Inc.) |
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03/01 |
The Celtic Flame (MP3 Radio Station)
The Celtic Flame is a station for people who love Celtic Music that is beautiful, meaningful, and romantic. We add new music regularly so the selection never gets boring. Celtic music is an important part of our culture, and its popularity is growing. Streaming mp3 audio! |
(Caliana) |
03/01 |
Highland Folklore: The Secret Commonwealth Revisited
G. Dearn, in Dalriada Magazine 1993. |
(Deoxyribonucleic Hyperdimension) |
03/01 |
The Mabinogion
Trans. Lady Charlotte Guest. |
(Celtic Twilight) |
03/01 |
The Fate of the Children of Lir
Eng. trans. Lady Gregory. |
(M. Sundermeier) |
03/01 |
Oisin and Patrick
Eng. trans. Lady Gregory. |
(M. Sundermeier) |
03/01 |
Early Irish Lyric Poetry
Eng. trans. Kuno Meyer. |
(M. Sundermeier) |
03/01 |
CELT: Corpus of Electronic Texts
A project of University College Cork. |
(CELT: Corpus of Electronic Texts) |
03/01 |
Annals of the Four Masters
The Annals of the Kingdom of Ireland in English translation. Trans. John O'Donovan. Compiled by Emma Ryan. |
(CELT: Corpus of Electronic Texts) |
03/01 |
Táin Bó Cúalnge from the Book of Leinster
The Táin in English translation. Trans. C. O'Rahilly. compiled by Donnchadh Ó Corráin. |
(CELT: Corpus of Electronic Texts) |
03/01 |
A Welsh Course
This course is one suitable for beginners. The main emphasis of the course is in developing conversational skills in Welsh as it is currently spoken (as contrasted with teaching the forms needed for understanding literary Welsh). |
(M. Nodine) |
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03/01 |
Gaelic Dictionaries Online
Searchable Manx, Scottich, and Irish Gaelic Dictionaries. |
(centar.org) |
03/01 |
Celtic Fonts
For the Mac and the PC. |
(S. mac Suibhne) |
03/01 |
More Celtic Fonts
Currently (03/01) just Gailge font for the Mac. |
(Yamada Language Center, Univ. of Oregon) |
03/01 |
Celtic Folklore: The People of the Mounds |
(Dmitri) |
03/01 |
The Celts (Nonprofit Archæology) |
(TC) |
03/01 |
Dalriada Celtic Heritage |
(Dalriada) |
03/01 |
Cornish language. |
(jlobb) |
03/01 |