The Hermetic Fellowship was formally established in 1995 (though some of the individual programs incorporated into the Fellowship had been operating for many years previously) as an organization for seekers interested in a broad range of spiritual paths within the Western Esoteric Tradition. These paths include, but are not limited to,
the Ancient Mystery Religions,
Wicca and
Alchemy, and
the Grail Quest.

Our aim is to provide a variety of ways for people interested in one or more of the many paths of Western Esotericism to come together for spiritual and religious communion, worship, expression, support, and exploration. We organize and offer a number of events in the Portland area including classes, workshops, and a variety of specialized rituals. We emphasize ritual and other spiritual practices along with study as excellent ways to explore and develop spirituality. When we offer classes and workshops, we draw our Guides from among the most experienced leaders in the local spiritual community.

As a guiding symbol, the Hermetic Fellowship is inspired by one of the seven wonders of the Ancient World,
the Pharos, the Lighthouse of Alexandria, capital of Græco-Roman Egypt. In Alexandria many different spiritual, magical, religious paths came together and cross-fertilized each other, producing an illuminating spiritual flowering. The Pharos shone its Light upon them all. As the ancient Alexandrians honored many Deities, so do we; however, we have invoked as our special patrons Hermês Trismegistos (from Whom Hermeticism derives its name) and Isis Mystikê (Isis of the Mysteries).

The Hermetic Fellowship is a legally registered, non-profit religious organization. Our Priestesses and Priests perform various rites of passage, including legal marriages in the states of Oregon and Washington. We offer an atmosphere of fellowship in a diverse group which pursues a complementary array of Hermetic Paths.