Occult Reading List
Under development by the Hermetic Fellowship. |
(Hermetic Fellowship) |
Western Esoteric Tradition Resources
Maintained on-site by the Hermetic Fellowship. Links to Hermetic organizations such as SOL, BOTA, etc., and other resources in the Western Tradition. |
(HF) |
03/01 |
Golden Dawn Resources
Maintained on-site by the Hermetic Fellowship. |
(HF) |
03/01 |
Rosicrucian Resources
Maintained on-site by the Hermetic Fellowship. |
(HF) |
03/01 |
Qabalah Resources
Maintained on-site by the Hermetic Fellowship. |
(HF) |
03/01 |
Tarot & Cartomancy Resources
Maintained by the Hermetic Fellowship. |
(HF) |
03/01 |
Gnostic Resources
Maintained by the Hermetic Fellowship. |
(HF) |
03/01 |
The Ancient Mysteries
Maintained on-site by the Hermetic Fellowship. |
(HF) |
03/01 |
Egyptian Resources
Maintained by the Hermetic Fellowship. |
(HF) |
03/01 |
The Hermetic Society
An educational Work of the Hermetic Fellowship, meeting monthly in Portland, OR since 1986. |
(HF) |
03/01 |
The Hermetic Virtual Library
Maintained on-site by the Hermetic Fellowship. |
(HF) |
On-Site |
11/99 |
The Twilit Grotto Archive of Western Esoterica
Joseph H. Petersons magisterial collection of sourceworks in Occultism and the Western Esoteric Tradition. |
(J. H. Peterson) |
03/01 |
The Gnosis Archive
The Gnosis Archive offers a vast collection of primary texts and resources relating to Gnosticism and the Gnostic Tradition, both ancient and modern. |
(SGN & L. Owens & T. Leavitt) |
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03/01 |
The Alchemy Virtual Library
Adam McLeans vast and awesome Magnum Opus.
Over 90 megabytes online of information on alchemy in all its facets. Divided into over 1300 sections and providing tens of thousands of pages of text, over 2000 images, over 200 complete alchemical texts, extensive bibliographical material on the printed books and manuscripts, numerous articles, introductory and general reference material on alchemy. |
(A. McLean) |
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03/01 |
A little learning is a dangerous thing;
Drink deep, or taste not the Pierian spring:
There shallow draughts intoxicate the brain,
And drinking largely sobers us again.
Alexander Pope, An Essay on Criticism (1711)
Unfortunately, but naturally, ARCANA, the grand old list of occult discussion on the Internet, has passed away. It was, at one time, an exceptional place for intelligent, informed, scholarly discussion of the Occult. This little website is in some ways its grave stele, the inscription chosen by the listowners. I wish there were some way to leave flowers...
03/01 |
The Sworn Book of Honorius
Liber Juratus is one of the oldest and most influential texts of Medieval magic. |
(Twilit Grotto) |
03/01 |
Cornelius Agrippa, De Occulta Magica Libri Tres
Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa (1486-1535) is the most influential writer of Renaissance esoterica, and indeed all of Western occultism. His de occulta philosophia appeared in three books. Written from 1509 to 1510 (he would have been 23 at the time), it circulated widely in manuscript form, and was eventually printed in 1533. It is a "systematic exposition of ... Ficinian spiritual magic and Trithemian demonic magic (and) ... treatised in practical magic" (I. P. Couliano in Hidden Truths 1987, p. 114). Without doubt, this book should be at the top of any required reading list for those interested in Western magic and esoteric traditions. |
(Twilit Grotto) |
03/01 |
Pietro dAbano, Heptameron, or Magical Elements
This concise handbook of ritual magic was translated by Robert Turner in 1655, and appeared in his collection of esoteric texts with Agrippa's Fourth Book of Occult Philosophy. Its attribution to the famous physician Peter de Abano (1250-1316) is probably spurious, as his accepted works 'betray no aquaintance with the occult sciences.' It is heavily based on texts of the Solomon cycle, and in fact appears in the Hebrew Key of Solomon (Mafteah Shelomoh) fol 35a ff under the title the Book of Light. |
(Twilit Grotto) |
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03/01 |
Key of Solomon
The Key of Solomon is the most famous and important of all Grimoires, or handbooks of Magic. The MacGregor Mathers edition. |
(Twilit Grotto) |
03/01 |
Paretial List of British Key of Solomon MSS
This is a listing with descriptions I made a number of years ago of 35 versions of the 'Key of Solomon' found in Britain. It is by no means exhaustive. There are at least the same number of manuscripts in Continental libraries. |
(A. McLean) |
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03/01 |
Pseudomarchia Dæmonum
It has long been recognized that the first book of the Lemegeton, Goetia, corresponds closely with Weyer's catalog of demons, though in Weyers text there are no demonic seals, and the demons are invoked by a simple conjuration, not the elaborate ritual found in the Lemegeton. |
(Twilit Grotto) |
03/01 |
The first Solomonic text included in the anthology known as the Lemegeton. |
(Twilit Grotto) |
03/01 |
The second Solomonic text included in the anthology known as the Lemegeton. |
(M. Henson) |
03/01 |
The Pauline Art
The third Solomonic text included in the anthology known as the Lemegeton. |
(M. Henson) |
03/01 |
The Art Almadel
The fourth Solomonic text included in the anthology known as the Lemegeton. |
(M. Henson) |
03/01 |
Ars Notoria
The Ars Notoria is a Medieval Grimoire of the 'Solomonic Cycle'. Many Latin manuscripts are extant, the oldest are dated thirteenth century,
and possibly earlier. |
(Twilit Grotto) |
03/01 |
Solomon and the Ars Notoria
An excerpt from Lynn Thorndikes History of Magic and Experimental Science. |
(Twilit Grotto) |
03/01 |
A Partial List of Ars Notoria MSS
A provisional listing of some of the Ars notoria manuscripts. The Ars notoria was an important early example of a 'Solomonic' magical work. |
(A. McLean) |
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03/01 |
A Partial List of Sepher Raziel MSS
Compiled by Adam McLean. |
(A. McLean) |
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03/01 |
Giambatista Porta, Natural Magic
(Transcribed from 1658 English Editon, Printed for Thomas Young and Samual Speed, at the Three Pigeons, and at the Angel in St Paul's Church-yard.). A beautiful website, making available the complete text of Portas influential work. |
(Maj. S.L. "Omar" Davis) |
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03/01 |
The Black Raven
One of the notorious German Faustbucher. Doctor Johannes Faust's Miracle and Magic Book, or The Black Raven, or also called The Threfold Coercion of Hell. Translated from the German by Karl H. Welz. |
(Magitech) |
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03/01 |
The Order of the Temple of Astarte
The magic of Solomon, the Gods of Canaan... Welcome to the Church of the Hermetic Sciences... The Church sponsors the Ordo Templi Astartes (O.T.A.) which is an initiatory order working three degrees of the ancient 'Crata Repoa' Tradition in our fully equipped Hermetic Temples. |
03/01 |
The Hermits Page
Another Occult resource which has closed; bu the author, Doug Evans, has left a thoughtful historical note that is worth reading, especially for those fairly new to the occult internet. He has also retained the basic components of his Gateway to Qabbalah page. |
(D. Evans) |
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03/01 |
On-Line Planchette Board
Hasbro wouldnt let the site-owner call it an on-line Ouija Board©®, but we all recognize what it is. A clever creation, with a distinctive, artistic board by Kipling West. |
((K. Black, UNH)) |
03/01 |
Magic in Theory & Practice : mp3 Station
A station at mp3.com that will feature a music for relaxation and ritual. The show is called "Magick in Theory and Practice." It is my hope that this will serve to further build a sense of community among those that are interested in Magick. The focus is more Hermetic/Rosaic/Thelemic as opposed to the general and generic, magic mushroom, New Age. If you know of an artist at mp3.com that would belong on this station please let me know. If you hear something on the station that you don't like, let me know this as well. I have a message board for the station. |
(Alamantra) |
03/01 |
Astral Projection Home Page
Welcome Astral Surfers! You are not alone! I've received e-mail from countless people around the world who are happy and relieved to discover that there are others -- many others -- who also leave their bodies or are interested in the subject. A very extensive set of resources. |
(C.C. Goodin) |
03/01 |
Theosophical Library Online
This Library Is Dedicated To
Which Is And Always Will Be
(TLO) |
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03/01 |
Isis Unveiled
(Theosophical Univ. Press) |
03/01 |
The Secret Doctrine
Blavatskys 1888 magnum opus. Blavatsky's masterwork on theosophy, covering cosmic, planetary, and human evolution, as well as science, religion, and mythology. Based on the Stanzas of Dzyan, with corroborating testimony from over 1,200 sources. |
(Theosophical Univ. Press) |
03/01 |
The Lysator Occult Archive
In the first days of the Occult Internet, the Lysator Occult Archive was a vital resource. Today, it is almost completely obsolete. |
(C. Henningsson) |
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03/01 |
Astrology |
Astrodienst Online
An exceptional website in Germany (English-language readily available), with a plethora of services, both free and commercial. |
(Astrodienst) |
03/01 |
Free Horoscopes
Some of the best, most versatile free electronic horoscope charts on the Internet. |
(Astrodienst) |
03/01 |
Free Atlas
Latitude and longitude for any location. |
(Astrodienst) |
03/01 |
Perpetual Calendar |
(Inter-Links) |
03/01 |
Sunrise, Sunset, Moonrise, Moonset, and Twilight
Computations for a single day or a year. |
(US Naval Observatory) |
03/01 |
Robert Zoller Medieval Astrology
A medievalist, Latinist, student and practitioner of medieval astrology Zoller returns to the fountainhead of medieval astrology. He has translated and studied works of Guido Bonatti, Alkindi and others and brought these together for the first time, on this website. |
(R. Zoller) |
03/01 |
Renaissance Astrology
With the rebirth of Renaissance astrology, concrete and specific prediction of actual events and precise, pinpoint elections of dates and times are available again. My astrological specialities are Horary Astrology, Electional Astrology and Astrological Magic. |
(C. Warnock, Esq.) |
03/01 |
Astrological Magick
Talismans, Agrippa, Ficino, Lilly, etc. |
(C. Warnock, Esq.) |
03/01 |
Sue Wards Astrology Pages
Traditional astrology in all its aspects: horary, natal, event and mundane. We offer technical material for the beginning and experienced student. Search these pages for articles, example charts, tuition material, home study courses, workshops and technical information. |
(Sue Ward) |
03/01 |
Star Myths and Constellation Lore |
(Alexandria) |
03/01 |
The English Merlin: The World of William Lilly and the 17th Century Astrologers
Welcome to The English Merlin website, devoted to all aspects of the life and times of William Lilly and his contemporaries. |
(D. Plant) |
03/01 |
Defunct Links |
Anders Magick Page |
(A. Sandberg) |
03/01 |
Caduceus: The Hermetic Quarterly
Caduceus, which has ceased publication, has been succeeded by John Michael Greers journal Abiegnus, which unfortunately has no Web presence. |
(A. Billings & J.M. Greer) |
09/99 |
Esoteric Philosophy Links |
(Mitchell) |
03/01 |
The Goetia |
(T. Loe) |
03/01 |
Inner Sanctum Occult Net |
(Magus) |
03/01 |
Robins Links to the Mystical Internet |
(Robin) |
03/01 |
Shawns Archive of Occult Sites |
(S. Fennessy) |
03/01 |
Theosophy Corner |
(SpiritWWW) |
03/01 |
Project Hindsight |
(chironast) |
03/01 |